Senate approves nomination of Douglas Kanja as Police IG

The development follows a recommendation by a joint committee of Parliament that vetted Kanja last week.

In Summary
  • The National Assembly's National Administration and Internal Security and Senates' National Security committee said Kanja is fit for the job.
  • While debating the motion on Kanja's nomination, the Senators heaped praise on him as an experienced police officer.
Inspector of General Douglas Kanja answers questions during his vetting in Parliament by joint Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations and Internal Administration Affairs on August 15, 2024.
Inspector of General Douglas Kanja answers questions during his vetting in Parliament by joint Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations and Internal Administration Affairs on August 15, 2024.
Image: FILE

The Senate has approved the nomination of Douglas Kanja as Police Inspector General.

The development follows a recommendation by a joint committee of Parliament that vetted Kanja last week.

The National Assembly's National Administration and Internal Security and Senates' National Security committee said Kanja is fit for the job.

"The committee, having considered the suitability, competence, experience and integrity of Mr Doughlas Kanja following the approval process and into consideration its observations and findings, and pursuant to provisions of the constitution, Public appointments (Parliamentary Approval), the NPS Act," a report by the joint panel states.

"The National Assembly spanking orders and Senate Standing Orders, recommend that parliament approves the nomination of Douglas Kanja for appointment of Police IG." 

While debating the motion on Kanja's nomination, the Senators heaped praise on him as an experienced police officer.

However, the lawmakers challenged him to implement reforms and change the image of the National Police Service.

"We want the police under article 245 to do their job with professionalism," Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei said.

Kitui Senator Enoch Wambua said, "As we wish Douglas Kanja well in the service, we want to remind him of a few things. Following the enactment of the Constitution of Kenya 2010, the police force then was changed into a service and under that service, we created the office of the IG of Police."

Nominated Senator Crystal Asige asked Kanja to ensure that he and the NPS comply with court orders.

"I hope the new IG will take note of the court ruling that has pronounced itself clearly about using live bullets, about police in civilian clothing and masked officers," she said.

"These kinds of things cannot continue in Kenya, we're not a banana republic and I hope this will be prioritized by the new IG."

For his part, Nyamira Senator Okongo Mogeni asked the IG designate to reverse the trend where police officers arrest suspects while masked.

"Why should the police arrest people while hiding their faces? Are they thugs? Anybody arresting me, I should be able to know who that person is, I should have a right to inform my lawyer. I want Kenyans to be arrested the way Senator Mandago was arrested," he said.

With the senate's endorsement, Kanja now awaits approval by the National Assembly to become the country's new IG.

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