Top police officers arrive at Gigiri station after Jumaisi escape

Gigiri Police Station has since been marked as a crime scene.

In Summary
  • The officers inspected the cell and thereafter held a meeting with the officers of the station.
  • Director of Criminal Investigations Mohamed Amin is among the senior police bosses who visited the station.
Senior Police station arrive at Gigiri Police Station on Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Senior Police station arrive at Gigiri Police Station on Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Acting Inspector General of Police Gilbert Masengeli on Tuesday afternoon led a team of senior officers on a visit to Gigiri Police Station after the prime suspect in the Kware Murder Collins Jumaisi escaped from custody.

12 Eritrean nationals who were in custody also escaped.

The officers inspected the cell where the suspects were being held and thereafter held a meeting with the officers of the station.

The police bosses also talked to the officers who were on duty at the time they escaped.

Director of Criminal Investigations Mohamed Amin is among the senior police bosses who visited the station.

Deputy Inspector General of Police Kenya Police Service Eliud Lagat was part of the team.

Gigiri Police Station has since been marked as a crime scene.

Jumaisi was among 13 suspects who escaped from the police station.

The 12 others who escaped custody are Eritrean nationals.

Police came to know of what happened as they woke up the suspects in custody for morning tea.

The suspects had been presented before Makadara courts to Principal Magistrate Irine Gichobi where the prosecution sought the court to allow them to detain the three accused persons for 21 days.

After submissions from both parties, the court ruled that Jumaisi, who is the main suspect, be detained at the Gigiri Police Station for seven more days.

Senior Police station arrive at Gigiri Police Station on Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Senior Police station arrive at Gigiri Police Station on Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Gigiri Police station on Tuesday, August 20,2024.
Gigiri Police station on Tuesday, August 20,2024.
Image: Cyrus Ombati
Gigiri Police station marked as a crime scene on Tuesday, August 20,2024.
Gigiri Police station marked as a crime scene on Tuesday, August 20,2024.
Gigiri Police station marked as a crime scene on Tuesday, August 20,2024.
Gigiri Police station marked as a crime scene on Tuesday, August 20,2024.
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