In courts: Officers in Gigiri escape to know fate today

Wheels of Justice: Court stories lined up for today.

In Summary

• The police on Wednesday sought to have police officers attached at Gigiri Police Station detained for 14 days pending further probe on whether they had a hand in aiding the escape of 13 suspects.

• State prosecutor James Gachoka told Magistrate Martha Naanzushi that investigations have been commenced to establish whether they had a role to play in the escape.

In courts today
In courts today
Image: The Star

A Magistrates Court will today rule on whether it will allow an application to detain five officers being probed in connection with the escape of 13 remandees from custody at Gigiri Police Station.

The police yesterday sought to have its own officers attached at Gigiri Police Station detained for 14 days pending further probe on whether they had a hand in aiding the escape of 13 suspects.

State prosecutor James Gachoka told Magistrate Martha Naanzushi that investigations have been commenced to establish whether they had a role to play in the escape.

Gachoka applied to have the officers detained at Spring Valley, Runda and Parklands as the probe is completed.

A prime suspect in the alleged murder of 42 women in Kware Collins Jumaisi and 12 Eritreans are said to have escaped from custody on the material day.

It is alleged that Officers Ronald Babo, Evans Kipkirui, Zachary Nyabuto, Mollent Achieng and Gerald Mutuku were on duty at the time the remandees escaped.

The officer investigating the matter Benedict Kaulu told the court that they are yet to record statements from over five witnesses.

Their mobile phones have since been presented to a cybercrime unit based at DCI headquarters forensic lab for further analysis.

"CCTV footage has also been obtained and taken to the cybercrime unit for analysis," he said.

The investigator told the court that other accomplices are still at large.

"The officers have indicated their willingness to lead to their arrest which will be defeated should they be released at the moment," said Kaulu.

Officer Ochieng opposed the application saying her child collapsed when it heard of the news.

She sought to have the days reduced so that she could attend to her child.

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