Four people killed in separate road accidents

Among those killed is a Nyandarua woman who was riding a motorbike.

In Summary
  • In Kiambu, a motor vehicle and truck heading to Nairobi from Thika was involved in an accident along the Thika Superhighway near the Bedarin Hotel in Thika.
  • In Makueni,  the accident involved a tractor that was towing a water bowser from Yinthungu's general direction towards Yikanga market.

Four people have died in separate road accidents in Kiambu, Makueni and Nyandarua counties.

In Kiambu, a motor vehicle and truck heading to Nairobi from Thika was involved in an accident along the Thika Superhighway near the Bedarin Hotel in Thika.

The accident happened when the driver of the motor vehicle was changing lanes from the middle lane to the inner lane during which it hit the rear side of the truck.

As a result, the motor vehicle hit the pavement on the right side of the road with its rear bumper, skidded and ended up on the extreme left while facing the Bedarin Hotel.

The driver of the truck on the other hand lost control after the impact and hit the guard rails on the left side of the road facing the Nairobi general direction and landed in a trench on the service lane.

Two passengers on board in the motor vehicle died as a result of the accident while the driver sustained serious body Injuries.

He was rushed to Kenyatta University Referral Hospital where he was admitted in serious condition.

The bodies of the deceased persons were taken to the KU Referral Hospital morgue for preservation and pending autopsy.

The driver of the lorry sustained slight injuries on his right hand.

Both vehicles were towed to Ruiru Police Station where they are awaiting inspection.

In Makueni, the accident occured in the Kimundi area along the Yinthungu- Yikanga earth road in Kyase River.

It involved a tractor that was towing a water bowser from Yinthungu's general direction towards Yikanga market.

According to police, as the tractor was descending towards the said river towing the water bowser, it skidded and plunged into the river.

In the process, a passenger who was seated on the rear right tyre and guard of the tractor landed under the right tyre of the bowser and was run over. He died on the spot.

The body of the deceased was taken to Makueni Referral Hospital morgue awaiting autopsy.

The tractor was escorted to the Kavumbu Police post.

Meanwhile, in Nyandarua County, a motorcycle collided head-on with a motor vehicle.

The accident occurred along the Engineer-Njabini road in the Kanjo area.

The motorcycle was heading to Njabini general direction of the Engineer while the motor vehicle was being driven in the opposite direction.

Police reports said the accident occurred after the driver of the motor vehicle failed to keep his lane leading to the head-on collision.

Police said that the rider fell on the tarmac where she sustained head injuries and a fracture on the left leg.

She was then rushed to North Kinangop Mission Hospital where she died while undergoing treatment.

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