MWENDA NJOKA: The Star, TV47 partnership is a marriage made in heaven

Collaborative Journalism provides endless possibilities for Media Houses and journalists alike.

In Summary
  • The Star, TV47 partnership will lead to more robust journalism, positive evolution of news and content production as well as better distribution ecosystems with parties complementing each other’s strengths.
  • It has happened elsewhere in the world often with great success.
Cape Media CEO Mwenda Njoka speaking during a partnership deal between the Cape Media and The Star at Fairview hotel, Nairobi on August 23, 2024/LEAH MUKANGAI
Cape Media CEO Mwenda Njoka speaking during a partnership deal between the Cape Media and The Star at Fairview hotel, Nairobi on August 23, 2024/LEAH MUKANGAI

In the recent past, the media industry has witnessed a dramatic and disruptive shift brought about by digital transformation.

These changes have not only created more competition but also contributed significantly to shrinking revenue and disappearing revenue streams, at worst.

Media Houses are also facing another challenge—an audience that has changed its content consumption behaviour amidst emerging new threats to old media. 

The media industry must therefore adjust strategically to stay relevant and alive or perish.

This reality opens the door to a new way of doing things. 

Collaborative Journalism provides endless possibilities for Media Houses and journalists alike.

The Star, TV47 partnership will lead to more robust journalism, positive evolution of news and content production as well as better distribution ecosystems with parties complementing each other’s strengths.

It has happened elsewhere in the world often with great success.

In 2021, 600 journalists from various Media Houses produced the now-famous Pandora Papers exposé.

The global impact the Pandora stories had was enormous, showcasing how joint media productions can positively influence society at a global scale

Through this collaboration, we aim to produce impactful-audience-centric content and transform the challenges facing the media industry into opportunities for innovation and mutual growth.

Our team of dedicated journalists and other media personnel have the shared belief that through our combined efforts, we shall improve the quality of content we offer to our audiences, increase accessibility, and enhance the marketing and promotion of our products while at the time creating greater and better value for our advertisers.

We promise an exciting journey to our audiences, readers and partners as we leverage mutual strengths to deliver compelling content and build strong bonds as we explore the future together.

As we look forward to a very fruitful collaboration, this partnership, I can confidently say, is truly a marriage made in heaven.

Mwenda Njoka, MBS, is the CEO/Managing Director of Cape Media Group.

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