Siaya extension officers get bikes to boost agricultural services

The distribution of the motorcycles will expedite service delivery, a longstanding challenge facing extension officers.

In Summary

•Officers will have the capacity to reach a greater number of farmers, ensuring they receive timely and essential agricultural support and guidance.

•Speaking during the event, Governor Orengo emphasised the critical role officers play in boosting agricultural productivity. 


Siaya Governor James Orengo, flagging-off Motorcycles issued to Agricultural extension officers in Nyalgunga, North Alego Ward, Alego Usonga Constituency, Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Siaya Governor James Orengo, flagging-off Motorcycles issued to Agricultural extension officers in Nyalgunga, North Alego Ward, Alego Usonga Constituency, Wednesday, August 21, 2024
Image: KNA

Siaya Governor James Orengo has distributed over 30 motorcycles and assorted farming gear to agricultural extension officers at a ceremony held in Nyalgunga, Alego Usonga constituency.

Orengo said he will collaborate with the National Agricultural Value Chain Development Project to enhance agricultural productivity. 

The distribution of the motorcycles will expedite service delivery, a longstanding challenge facing extension officers.

Officers will have the capacity to reach a greater number of farmers, ensuring they receive timely and essential agricultural support and guidance.

Speaking during the event, Governor Orengo emphasised the critical role officers play in boosting agricultural productivity. 

"By equipping our agricultural extension officers with these motorcycles, we are not only empowering them, but also the entire farming community. This initiative will enable our officers provide timely advice, monitor crop health, and disseminate vital information to farmers more efficiently," Orengo said.

The NAVCDP-supported project aligns with the county's broader strategy of increasing agricultural output and supporting smallholder farmers.

Siaya county, with its predominantly rural population, heavily relies on agriculture as a primary source of livelihood. It boasts over 60,000 small-scale farmers who are engaged in various agricultural activities, including maize, sorghum, and millet farming, as well as livestock rearing.

The enhanced mobility is expected to have a ripple effect on agricultural productivity.

Farmers will benefit from improved access to knowledge on modern farming techniques, pest and disease control, and post-harvest management practices.

This, in turn, will increase crop yields, improve food security, and boost incomes for farming households.


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