Koitalel varsity land row resolved

It will be set up on the 120 acres in less than three years

In Summary

• The university, which was named after Nandi legendary leader Koitalel arap Samoei, will be set up on the 120 acres in less than three years.

•  Governor Stephen Sang said Nandi leaders had endorsed the resolutions of the community.

Nandi Governor Stephen Sang
Nandi Governor Stephen Sang
Image: FILE

Koitalel Samoei University stakeholders have amicably resolved the land row that derailed the setting up of its main campus in Nandi Hills, Nandi leaders have said.

The university, which was named after Nandi legendary leader Koitalel arap Samoei, will be set up on the 120 acres in less than three years.

Speaking at Samoei centre after the public participation exercise Governor Stephen Sang said Nandi leaders had endorsed the resolutions of the community.

“Within the next three years let us have a university here up and running. We endorse the position of the community that we separate the university and the secondary school,” he said.

Sang said Samoei High School will not only be repositioned but it will also be upgraded into a model high school that will accommodate more than 2,000 students.

He told residents about the government’s plan that is underway of building a modern market and affordable housing programme in Nandi Hills town.

Nandi Hills MP Benard Kitur said, “As Samoei community we have come to terms on the issue of the university. In two to three years we will have the Koitalel Samoei University here in Nandi Hills."

Present at the event was Tinderet MP Julius Melly, who is also chairing the parliamentary education committee.

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