Inside Raila’s 8-point vision for Africa

He promises a united continent characterised by peace, prosperity and sustainable progress

In Summary
  • Raila pledged to enhance intra-Africa trade, enforce financial independence, gender equity, agricultural transformation as well as climatic action.
  • The former Prime Minister also pledged to address continental integration and peace and stability across the continent.
Azimio leader Raila Odinga signs his AUC application on July 27, 2024. He was flanked by Foreign Affairs Principal Secretary Korir Sing'Oei and Azimio spokesperson Makau Mutua
Azimio leader Raila Odinga signs his AUC application on July 27, 2024. He was flanked by Foreign Affairs Principal Secretary Korir Sing'Oei and Azimio spokesperson Makau Mutua

Opposition chief Raila Odinga has unveiled eight-point continental agenda as he escalates his cross-Africa campaigns for African Union Commission chairmanship.

In a campaign document seen by the Star, Raila promises a united Africa characterised by peace, prosperity and sustainable progress.

“As a lifelong Pan-Africanist, I will offer participatory leadership to ensure delivery on the priorities of the African people as envisioned in the African Union Agenda 2063,” Raila’s blueprint indicates.

This comes at a time President William Ruto is preparing to officially launch Raila’s campaign for AUC chairman on Tuesday.

The launch sets the stage for a cross-continental campaign.

Raila is facing off with Djibouti’s Mohamoud Youssouf, Anil Gayan (Mauritius) and Richard Randriamandrato (Madagascar) for the African Union Commission chairmanship.

The four seek to succeed outgoing chairman Moussa Faki of Chad. The elections are scheduled for February next year.

In unveiling his blueprint for Africa, the ODM boss outlined eight priority interventions to jumpstart the economy of the continent.

Apart from the economy, Raila pledged to enhance intra-Africa trade, enforce financial independence, gender equity, agricultural transformation and climatic action.

The former Prime Minister also pledged to address continental integration, peace and stability.

In Raila’s plan for the continent, sustainable and equitable socio-economic growth is foundational for Africa’s development.

To jumpstart Africa economy, Raila calls for initiatives that create an enabling environment for businesses to thrive, attract investment and promote innovation and entrepreneurship.

“I will champion policies that create jobs, reduce poverty and improve lives,” Raila said.

He advocated for reducing overreliance on external funding and rallied member states and private players to finance AU priorities.

The former AU High Representative for Infrastructure also promised to spur trade by establishing a common market and boost intra-African trade.

Raila said he will work towards removing barriers that have made trade within Africa almost impossible.

“Currently, intra- African trade is paltry, the lowest among other continents, hindering our economic independence and interdependence,” he said.

“I will advocate for open skies, visa policy harmonisation and infrastructure development to facilitate seamless connectivity and movement of goods and people across Africa.”

Raila also promised an all-out war against marginalisation, exclusion and discrimination against women and girls.

“As chairperson of AUC, I will prioritise opportunity, dignity and security for women and girls across the continent,” Raila said.

On Agriculture, he pledged to prioritise modernisation food production to create job opportunities and make the continent food secure.

“I will endeavour to promote market access within the continent and value addition in our agricultural and aquaculture sectors,” the blueprint reads.

“Further, I will promote climate-positive investments and financing, leverage renewable energy resources and integrate climate-smart strategies into our economic plans to secure a sustainable future for Africa. Importantly, I will raise Africa’s voice at international fora on climate change, climate action and climate justice.”

Raila said he will use his office, if elected, to find a permanent solution to conflicts that have bedevilled Africa for years.

He said peace and security are essential prerequisite for development.

“I will support Regional Economic Communities and drive implementation of initiatives to enhance continental unity and prosperity,” he added.

The ODM chief has lined up a tight schedule that will see him traverse the globe and the continent to win more support for his bid.

Raila will head to Dakar, Senegal, where he is expected to pitch his bid among the 15 countries in the Ecowas bloc.

Next month, he will attend the United Nations General Assembly in New York, where all heads of state and government will converge.

The UNGA is the largest annual gathering of global leaders in New York. The high-level summit runs from September 10 to 24.

After the UNGA summit, Raila will escalate his vote-hunt to Bujumbura, where he will attend the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa heads of state and government summit.

The Comesa summit will take place on October 31, 2024. The bloc has 21 members.

In November, Raila will be among participants at the 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP20) in Baku, Azerbaijan.

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