Kalonzo: No one approached me to join Ruto's government

The Wiper leader affirmed that he will remain in the opposition

In Summary
  • Kalonzo further exuded confidence saying that Kenyans have now understood the kind of a leader he is.
  • Kalonzo added that ODM will face difficulties in the oversight of some of their members working in government as cabinet secretaries.
Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka.
Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka.

Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka has affirmed that he has no plans of joining President William Ruto's broad-based government.

Kalonzo said that during the formation of the broad-based government, he was not approached to join.

President Ruto and Kenya's AUC chairperson candidate Raila Odinga formed the government of unity, a move that elicited mixed reactions from Kenyans.

Ruto further appointed four members of ODM to his newly reconstituted cabinet.

While speaking on Wednesday at TV47, Kalonzo said that he was not approached due to his strong stance.

"Hakuna yeyote yule ambaye alidhubutu kuja kujaribu kunihusisha kwa sababu wanajua msimamo. Hadi hivi majuzi nadhani Wakenya wengi walikuwa bado hawajanielewa mimi ni kiongozi wa aina gani lakini sasa wananielewa. Sababu ya kutoniuliza pengine waliamini mimi sio kiongozi, hakuna ambaye alikuja," the Wiper leader said.

(No one dared to approach me to be involved in the broad-based government because they know my stance. Until recently most Kenyans did not know the kind of a leader I am but now they understand me. The reason why they did not ask is maybe they believed that I was not a leader, no one came to ask me).

Kalonzo further exuded confidence saying that Kenyans have now understood the kind of a leader he is.

The Wiper leader affirmed that he will remain in the opposition because that is his stance.

Kalonzo added that the information circulating on social media about him being given a chance to choose a job in government is false.

The Wiper leader said he could not bring himself to be involved with the formation of the broad-based government.

He added that the move by Ruto and Raila went against the constitution.

The Wiper boss said that he is ready to lead in the opposition with other Azimio-affiliated parties.

Kalonzo added that ODM will face difficulties in the oversight of some of their members working in government as cabinet secretaries.

Azimio co-principals settled on Kalonzo as the new coalition leader as Raila transitions to continental leadership, where he’s seeking to be the next African Union Commission chairperson.

Leaders led by DAP-K party leader Eugene Wamalwa said they have confidence in Kalonzo's leadership.

“In Azimio, there will be no vacuum. We are several constituent parties of Azimio, and we’ve been very blessed to have very serious leadership in our coalition. As he (Raila) leaves, the next ranking member of the leadership of our coalition is the Hon Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka,” the former Defence CS said.

He said Kalonzo, a former Vice President in his own right, is equal to the task and will step forward to replace the former Prime Minister as the new Azimio leader.

“We have, by consensus, and I believe many of us who are in this coalition have all consented to him taking over the leadership of our coalition. We have great faith in his leadership, he is experienced as the second highest-ranking leader in our coalition,” he said.

Wamalwa said the coalition has no doubt that Kalonzo, a lawyer and experienced diplomat, will steer the opposition outfit to greater heights.

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