Strengthen families and discipline - Police urged at Eldoret prayer service

The prayer event brought together Kenya Police Service, Prisons Service, Wildlife Service, Administration police and Kenya Forest Service.

In Summary
  • The clarion call was made during a joint prayer service for disciplined services at the St John’s Sacred Heart Cathedral in Eldoret town.
  • Members of the various services including Kenya Police Service, Prisons Service, Kenya Wildlife Service, Administration police and Kenya Forest Service matched in a procession through Eldoret town to the church where the service took place.
Senior Polce security officers led by Father Moses O’conor cutting a cake during a joint prayer service in Eldoret
Senior Polce security officers led by Father Moses O’conor cutting a cake during a joint prayer service in Eldoret

Police officers have been urged to strengthen their families and maintain the service's high level of discipline.

The clarion call was made during a joint prayer service for disciplined services at the St John’s Sacred Heart Cathedral in Eldoret town.

Members of the various services including Kenya Police Service, Prisons Service, Kenya Wildlife Service, Administration police and Kenya Forest Service matched in a procession through Eldoret town to the church where the service took place.

Director for Wildlife Security Johana Tanui who was the chief guest urged security officers to value their work and serve with dedication and discipline at all times while on duty.

Senior police officers at the joint prayers service in Eldoret
Senior police officers at the joint prayers service in Eldoret

“Your personal needs should not override dedication to duty.  As officers commit yourself to your duty first and the good work you do will then help you get what you need,” said Tanui.

He said discipline was a core value in the sensitive and demanding work done by security officers.

The service was led by Father Moses O’Connor from the Kenya Prisons Service.

He preached on the need to desist from corruption and other ills that give the police a bad image.

Police officers match in Eldoret during the joint prayer service
Police officers match in Eldoret during the joint prayer service

He urged the officers to value their values, save their earnings and use the same for investments.

“Save part of your salaries in saccos so that you can secure your future. You should also live within your means and avoid the urge to engage in corruption so that you enrich yourselves,” said Father O’Connor.

Uasin Gishu Police Commander Benjamin Mwanthi said the service was important for officers to thank God considering the challenges they face in their work.

The officers also presented their tools of work including guns to be blessed so that they are used for protection of the society.

Mwanthi said the officers from various disciplines were human and also needed spiritual guidance to navigate the challenges they face while on duty.

Police officers presenting their tools of work for blessings during a prayer service in Eldoret
Police officers presenting their tools of work for blessings during a prayer service in Eldoret
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