Two arrested in botched motorcycle robbery in Machakos

The suspects had allegedly disguised themselves as travellers seeking transport services.

In Summary
  • The suspects had allegedly tricked the bodaboda operator into ferrying them as they disguised themselves as travellers.
  • It was then that they allegedly robbed him of his motorcycle after assaulting him using a harmer.
The recovered motorcycle parked at Muonyweni police post in Kathiani, Machakos County on August 30, 2024.
The recovered motorcycle parked at Muonyweni police post in Kathiani, Machakos County on August 30, 2024.

Two suspects were on Friday arrested in a botched motorcycle robbery in Machakos County.

The two were arrested by the public as they fled on the motorcycle suspected to have been stolen along Kangundo - Machakos Road in Kenol, Kathiani Subcounty.

The suspects had allegedly tricked the bodaboda operator into ferrying them as they disguised themselves as travellers.

They are alleged to have sought the victim's services to ferry them to Koma shopping centre along the Nairobi - Kangundo Road in Matungulu Subcounty through Kasyula market.

It was then that they allegedly robbed him of his motorcycle after assaulting him using a harmer.

He was left lying helplessly on the ground by the roadside wailing in pain.

A resident claimed to have rescued him from where he was screaming and made chase of the suspects who were later intercepted by other bodaboda riders midway.

Muonyweni police post where the two motorbike theft suspects have been held in Kathiani, Machakos County on August 30, 2024.
Muonyweni police post where the two motorbike theft suspects have been held in Kathiani, Machakos County on August 30, 2024.

"I was riding from Kasulya Ngore market when I found the victim lying by the roadside while screaming in pain. He had been attacked, assaulted and robbed of his motorcycle," Razaro Musembi told reporters shortly after the incident.

"I helped him onto my motorcycle and ferried him as he screamed while we trailed the robbers who had unsuccessfully attempted to flee on the motorcycle they had robbed him before members of the public intercepted them," Musembi said.

The suspects attempted to escape on foot after the public blocked their way but were cornered by the public.

They were rescued and escorted to Muonyweni Police Post within the Subcounty after being attended to at a local health facility.

 The public recovered the motorcycle from the suspects.

It was taken to the same police station where the suspects have since been locked up.

"The victim sustained injuries on his ribs and knees and was rushed to Mutaboni where he is undergoing medication," an eye witness told the Star.

Police have launched investigations into the incident.

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