Bomet county assembly impeaches three CECs

They were impeached after Ad hoc committees investigating them found them guilty of various charges.

In Summary

• In all three instances, MCAs voted 29 out of 38 in favour of their removal from office.

• The three, Andrew Sigei (Finance), Joseph Kirui (Public Service) and Eric Ngetich (Roads) were impeached on various counts ranging from gross violation of the Constitution and other laws, abuse of office and incompetence.

A photo collage of the three CECs Andrew Sigei (Finance), Joseph Kirui (Public Service) and Eric Ngetich (Roads)
A photo collage of the three CECs Andrew Sigei (Finance), Joseph Kirui (Public Service) and Eric Ngetich (Roads)

The County Assembly of Bomet on Friday impeached three County Executive Committee (CEC) members.

The three, Andrew Sigei (Finance), Joseph Kirui (Public Service) and Eric Ngetich (Roads) were impeached on various counts ranging from alleged gross violation of the Constitution and other laws, abuse of office and incompetence.

29 out of 38 MCAs voted in support of recommendations of the Ad hoc committee formed to investigate allegations against CECM for Finance, ICT and Economic Planning Andrew Sigei. 

The Ad hoc Committee led by Kapletundo Ward MCA Nathan Kibet found Sigei culpable on two grounds of Gross violation of the Constitution and other laws, and incompetence.

The motion seeking his removal was tabled by Kimulot MCA Eric Kirui.

He sought the Finance CEC's removal on grounds gross violation of the Constitution and other laws, abuse of office and incompetence.

Another Ad hoc Committee formed to investigate allegations against Joseph Kirui the CECM, Administration, Public Service and Special Programmes found him guilty on all the counts.

Nominated MCA Vincent Mutai had tabled motion seeking the removal from office for Dr. Kirui on grounds of Constitution and other laws, abuse of office and incompetence.

The MCAs voted 29 out 38 in support of the recommendations of the Ad hoc Committee report.

CECM in charge of Roads, Transport and Public Works Eric Ngetich was not spared either after the Ad hoc Committee formed to investigate allegations against him found him guilty of two counts; gross violation of the Constitution and other laws and abuse of office. 

Some 29 out of 38 MCAs voted in favour of his removal from office.

The motion mover, Josphat Kipkirui had sought the removal of the CECM on grounds of gross violation of the Constitution and other laws, abuse of office and gross misconduct.

During the impeachment motion hearing by a select committee formed by the House, the trio failed to attend the sittings.

They were instead represented by their lawyer Desmond Leteipa.

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