Reprieve for Gatundu North residents as first court facility opens doors to the public

Gatundu Chief Magistrate Daniel Musyoka said the new court will ease the backlog of cases.

In Summary
  • The first-ever law court in the constituency was put up by area NG-CDF to the tune of Sh10 million.
  • It will serve the residents of Gatundu North and its environs who are currently forced to travel to Thika and Gatundu town to access justice.
A section of the newly opened law courts at Kamwangi in Gatundu North.
A section of the newly opened law courts at Kamwangi in Gatundu North.

A newly built law court has been established at Kamwangi town, Gatundu North constituency, an initiative that is part of the judiciary’s efforts to ease access to justice.

The first-ever law court in the constituency was put up by area NG-CDF to the tune of Sh10 million and will serve the residents of Gatundu North and its environs who are currently forced to travel to Thika and Gatundu town to access justice.

Speaking during the handover ceremony, Gatundu Chief Magistrate Daniel Musyoka said the new court will ease the backlog of cases and help bring justice to marginalized groups in the area.

He noted that residents of Gatundu North have been grappling with succession issues which he assured will be amicably heard and determined at the new facility.

Musyoka revealed that the facility will be fully staffed in due course but a magistrate will be deployed from next week to begin handling various matters.

The establishment of the new court of law is part of the judiciary’s vision to have at least a resident magistrate’s court in every Sub County.

While enumerating various forms of services offered in court, Musyoka pleaded with locals to embrace seeking services in court for quicker justice.

“I also call upon residents to embrace alternative dispute resolution like mediation to solve their disputes instead of lodging the cases in courts,” Musyoka said.

Gatundu North MP Elijah Njoroge Kururia who spearheaded the handover ceremony said the facility will relieve his constituents of time and costs of travelling long distances in search of justice.

Gatundu North MP Elijah Njoroge speaking after the opening of the new court facility.
Gatundu North MP Elijah Njoroge speaking after the opening of the new court facility.

Over the years, residents have been forced to walk kilometres away from home in search of justice in Thika and Gatundu town, challenges he said will now be a thing of the past.

Kururia described the development as a significant step in the fight against crime, drunkenness and drug abuse which he said has ruined the lives of hundreds of young men in the area.

The MP said the new court will also bring other legal services like succession cases and land transfers closer.

“Our people have been struggling to access legal services and they’ve been forced to seek them in Gatundu South or Thika. Establishment of this court will go a long way in settling disputes as well as addressing legal needs for our people,” he said.

Drug dealers and manufacturers of illicit brews, he said, will have to vacate the constituency as the new court will ease their prosecution and possible jailing.

“The war on illicit brews and especially chang’aa in Gatundu North is steadily becoming successful. Criminals who have been perpetrating this illegal trade will be dealt with by the law here in Kamwangi. Soon this region will be free of cheap liquor and drugs,” he said.

The facility, Kururia added, will spur social-economic development in the area as it will trigger the establishment of law firms and financial institutions which will develop the area.

Locals who spoke to journalists expressed optimism that the facility will relieve them of the challenges of going away from home to access justice.

The new court, they added, will help intensify the war against crimes in the area such as outlawed manufacture, sale and uptake of illicit brews and drugs that they regretted as having turned tens of youths into zombies.

“This court will ensure and enhance quick justice for our people. Criminals selling drugs and illicit liquor to our children will be charged and convicted in this court. This is a godsend project,” said resident Moses Waweru.

They called on the judiciary to begin delivering justice expeditiously to them and pledged to cooperate with them to facilitate the administration of justice to all.

The new building consists of two courtrooms, a major registry, and separate holding facilities for men, women and juveniles complete with toilets, magistrates’ offices and a lounge.

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