Trans Nzoia teen raped, murdered days before joining college

Eunice Akinyi's body was found in a maize farm, a few kilometres from her home, after she went missing for days.

In Summary
  • She was supposed to report to college in Makueni on August 26 and undertake a course in beauty
  • Chief Alex Wakabete said security teams are hunting for those involved in the murder
The deceased Eunice Akinyi who was found murdered in Trans Nzoia
The deceased Eunice Akinyi who was found murdered in Trans Nzoia

A family in Trans Nzoia county is mourning the death of their daughter who was raped and murdered in Kolongolo in Kwanza constituency.

Eunice Akinyi's body was found in a maize farm, a few kilometres from her home, after she went missing for days.

Her parents Beatrice Barasa and Robert Masika said she left home to collect her leaving certificate at Kesse Secondary School, but she never returned.

She was supposed to report to college in Makueni on August 26 and undertake a course in beauty.

Chief Alex Wakabete said security teams are hunting for those involved in the murder.

Masika said her daughter was murdered by evil people who were unknown to her.

 “She was found naked with her hands and legs tied and had some marks on the neck. My daughter died a painful death. I don’t know why they did that to her," she said.

Masika said Akinyi was excited and was looking forward to joining college.

 “My daughter had not offended anyone and we wonder why anyone would kill her in such a manner. I plead for justice and ask the government to bring those involved to book,” she said. 

 Chief Wakabete said security teams were working with residents to arrest the suspects.

 “We all want justice for the family and we will ensure that those involved in this criminal incident are brought to book”, said Wakabete.

 He said they are already following crucial leads to nab the suspects.

Akinyi's body is lying in a mortuary in Kitale.

Masika urged the police to speed up the investigations and bring to book the killers of her daughter.

 A postmortem will be done on the body this week in Kitale.

Police boss Jeremiah Kosiom promised thorough investigations on the matter.

Robert Masika who is father to the deceased speaking at their home in Trans Nzoia
Robert Masika who is father to the deceased speaking at their home in Trans Nzoia
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