Eastleigh man stabbed in suspected case of love triangle

The suspect was arrested and placed in custody pending arraignment, police said.

In Summary
  • Police officers rushed to the scene and established it was a result of a love triangle and that two men were behind the incident over the allegation he was interfering with their girlfriend.
  • The victim sustained neck and head injuries and was rushed to Care Hospital where he was admitted in stable condition.
Crime scene.
CRIME: Crime scene.
Image: The Star

A 26-year-old man was stabbed and seriously wounded in a feud in Nairobi’s Eastleigh area.

Sharmerka Abdi was Thursday stabbed with a knife by a person well-known to him.

Police officers rushed to the scene and established it was a result of a love triangle and that two men were behind the incident over the allegation he was interfering with their girlfriend.

The victim sustained neck and head injuries and was rushed to Care Hospital where he was admitted in stable condition.

The suspect was arrested and placed in custody pending arraignment, police said.

More suspects are being sought over the issue.

Police say there is a trend of interference from clan elders in the cases who seek to solve the matters out of court.

This, according to police encourages impunity and wants the rule of law to be respected.

Police say they are investigating a new wave of attacks and counter-attacks by gangs in the area in wrangles stemming from Somalia clans and homes.

Up to six cases have in the past weeks been reported in Eastleigh where gangs with clan leanings attack their perceived enemies.

Most of those involved in the fighting are from Somalia, police said.

This has left the victims with life-threatening injuries amid calls for action to stop the trend and take action on those responsible.

A team of detectives is combing in the area to pursue those behind the attacks for action, police said.

Police say they are also investigating the immigration status of those involved in the fights amid complaints some attack their targets and escape to their country.

Some locals have petitioned the police to take the issue seriously and address it.

“We receive reports of assault on individuals over clan-based politics and this is coming here in Kenya. The authorities must take action to address the issue,” said a businessman based in Eastleigh.

Police want any such case to be reported for action.

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