Wiper summons Kitui MCAs to end assembly leadership wrangles

Party headquarters had received complaints over unprcedural change of Kitui assembly majority leadership

In Summary

•Migwani MCA, Harisson Maluki, was on Tuesday voted by 15 MCAs as the new majority leader replacing Munyoki Mwinzi.

•Wiper Secretary General Shakila Abdalla has summoned all Wiper MCAs to a meeting to address the change of guard and chart a way forward.

Kyuso MCA Munyoki Mwinzi who was the Kitui County Assembly majority leader before he was removed this week.
OUSTED Kyuso MCA Munyoki Mwinzi who was the Kitui County Assembly majority leader before he was removed this week.

The Wiper party has summoned all its MCAs from Kitui county to a meeting to help resolve drawn-out leadership wrangles at the county assembly.

The Wiper Secretary General Shakila Abdalla requested the MCAs to report to the party headquarters in Nairobi on Monday.

The party’s intervention comes after Kyuso MCA Munyoki Mwinzi was toppled as the majority leader by Harrison Maluki.

Mwinzi launched a similar takeover bid against Maluki last September. Daniel Ngoima also replaced Boniface Katula as the majority whip in the process. Wiper party headquarters approved the changes.

On  September 3, 15 Wiper MCAs out of 25 in the Kitui County Assembly voted for Maluki and Kitula as the majority leader and whip, effectively sending Mwinzi and Ngoima packing.

Abdalla’s letter to all Wiper MCAs dated September 5, scheduled a meeting to discuss concerns raised regarding the recent changes in the house leadership positions for the majority side.


Migwani MCA Harrison Maluki who was this week installed as the new Kitui County Assembly majority leader.
NEW SHERRIF Migwani MCA Harrison Maluki who was this week installed as the new Kitui County Assembly majority leader.

The letter said that Ngoima filed a complaint for being removed from the Kitui Assembly leadership position alongside Mwinzi. It said the concern raised warrants immediate attention.

The Wiper SG said the Monday meeting will start at 2 pm.

“The purpose of the meeting is to deliberate the concerns raised, address the alleged unprocedural removal and chart a way forward,” the letter read in part.

It was copied to, among others, party leader Kalonzo Musyoka, Kitui Assembly speaker Kevin Katisya and Kitui County Wiper party coordinator Waziri Bakari — a nominated MCA in the Kitui assembly.

“Your presence is highly requested to ensure a fair and transparent resolution process. Please make the necessary arrangements to attend,” Abdalla told the MCAs.

During the Wednesday Assembly session, speaker Katisya communicated the changes in assembly Wiper leadership. He pledged to accord the new leadership support for the seamless running of assembly affairs.

Kitui County Assembly Speaker Kevin Katisya during the Wednesday Assembly session.
THE HEAD Kitui County Assembly Speaker Kevin Katisya during the Wednesday Assembly session.

Reacting to his ouster, Mwinzi dismissed his removal and Ngoima's as unprocedural.

He, however, ruled out going to court to challenge the ouster. He said he was awaiting the decision of the Wiper Party headquarters on the matter which would inform the next cause of action. 


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