Tale of bizarre cultural cult breaking up families in Juja

RWN says her ex-husband started by denouncing his Christian faith and then forcing her to undergo FGM.

In Summary
  • They had three children and her husband was a faithful Catholic.

  • But a sick brother-in-law saw her husband indulge in traditional ways of seeking treatment for him as the hospital route failed.

When RWN married her husband about 20 years ago, she believed in her vow that only death would separate them. But that was not to be. 

They had three children and her husband was a faithful Catholic.

But a sick brother-in-law saw her husband indulge in traditional ways of seeking treatment for him as the hospital route failed. This was in 2020 amid the Covid-19 crisis.

The traditional route led the man into what RWN calls a cultural cult that involved him denouncing his Christian faith and initiating his family into it.

The brother-in-law later died, but her husband did not leave the cult. 

According to RWN, as a way of denouncing their faith, new members like her husband are given a concoction that makes them severely vomit, a symbolic act of expelling Jesus.

“He was given the concoction and he vomited so much we thought he would become sick. From that time things have never been the same,” she said. 

When the man returned home, he demanded that his wife and other females in his house undergo female genital mutilation. 

“We have three children. In 2020, our first-born boy was in Class 8 and our last-born girl was in Grade 3. My husband demanded that before our first born boy is circumcised, I must first be cut,” she said.

Her first port of call was to inform the Catholic father in her parish to persuade her husband to abandon the idea. 

“My husband was a firm member of Jumuiya. I told the father to help us because I could see our marriage falling apart. But my husband was deep into this belief and even dismissed the father. He said he had denounced the faith,” RWN said.

“He said if I refused to be cut, that would be the end of our marriage.”

True to his word, her husband left home in August and has never returned. 

“I have credible information that he has moved on. He got another wife with whom he has children,” she said.

RWN adds that her husband remains active in the lives of their children, with the first born now a KCSE candidate while the last born is in Grade 7.

She claims that she is speaking out because there is an emerging trend where men are forcing their women to undergo FGM. 

“They (men) are also inducting young boys into male chauvinism that results in collapsing families and marriages.”

RWN claims her former husband stalks through private numbers. 

“The strange callers insist on the FGM push. Sometimes it is through text messages. I believe it is still this man stalking me and not giving me peace. He should move on,” she said.

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