State dissociates from a Raila AUC campaign fundraiser at city hotel

An invitation card shows the September 18 event is organised by Friends of Baba (Foba)

In Summary
  • FOBA provided a bank account number on the invitation card through which donations can be channeled.
  • However, Foreign Affairs Principal Secretary Korir Sing’oei was quick to distance the state from the said fundraiser.
AUC chairmanship candidate Raila Odinga during the launch of his bid at State House, Nairobi on August 27, 2024.
AUC chairmanship candidate Raila Odinga during the launch of his bid at State House, Nairobi on August 27, 2024.

The government has distanced itself from a fundraiser scheduled for Wednesday, September 18, ostensibly to raise money in support of Raila Odinga’s African Union Commission chairmanship bid.

Organisers of the event, calling themselves “Friends of Baba (Foba)” indicated in invitation cards that attendees will have “an evening with Raila Odinga” during the fundraiser at a Nairobi hotel, “as we unite with leaders and dignitaries from across the continent to help champion Africa's future," the invite reads.

“Friends of Baba (Foba) exclusively invites you to a fundraiser dinner with H.E. Raila Odinga. A night dedicated to supporting his visionary leadership as he embarks on the journey to becoming the next chair of the African Union Commission (AUC).” 

Foba provided a bank account number on the invitation card through which donations could be channelled.

However, Foreign Affairs Principal Secretary Korir Sing’oei was quick to distance the government from the fundraiser.

“We disassociate the Secretariat of the Campaign of H.E. Raila Odinga from this fundraising effort,” the PS said on X.

Raila’s AUC bid is being solely championed by the government, complete with a campaign secretariat unveiled by President William Ruto on August 27, 2024.

The President tipped Sing’oei to head the campaign team that also comprises seasoned diplomats to spearhead Raila’s campaign in the high-stakes AUC leadership race.

The Sing’oei secretariat is made up of five team members each representing different regions of the African continent to strategically garner widespread support across the continent.

The team is co-chaired by former Kenyan ambassador to the US, Elkanah Odembo, with members including Prof Makau Mutua, former Nyeri Deputy Governor Caroline Karugu, former Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) executive secretary Mahboub Maalim, and Ambassador Anthony Okara.

“Kenya endorses his candidacy unreservedly, and we commit wholeheartedly to supporting his candidature, his vision, and his leadership,” Ruto said after unveiling the team at State House, Nairobi.

The election will be held in February 2025 to choose the fifth commission chair to succeed incumbent Moussa Faki Mahamat of Chad.

It is touted as East Africa’s best bet to hold the seat considering past AUC chairs hail from western, central, and southern regions of the African Union.

Raila is up against Anil Gayan, former Foreign Minister of Mauritius, Mahamoud Ali Youssouf, Foreign Minister of Djibouti and Richard Randriamandrato former Foreign Minister of Madagascar.

Somalia’s Fawzia Yusuf Adam and Vincent Meriton of Seychelles withdrew from the race.

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