Governor Nassir appoints new members to 2 county corporations

He said terms of members of MOWASCO and Coast General hospital are set to lapse.

In Summary
  • The Board of MOWASCO has been duly constituted with Selina Maitha as the chairperson.
  • "Any prior appointments to the aforementioned boards and/or committees are hereby revoked," Governor Nassir said.
Mombasa county Governor Abdullswamad Sherrif Nassir during KTDA meeting in Mombasa September 5, 2024.
Mombasa county Governor Abdullswamad Sherrif Nassir during KTDA meeting in Mombasa September 5, 2024.
Image: DPPS

Mombasa Governor Abduswamad Nassir has appointed new members to two county corporations and one committee

The governor said the terms of office for the respective chairpersons and members of the Mombasa Water and Sewerage Company (Mowasco) and the the Coast General Teaching and Referral Hospital (CGTRH) are set to lapse while that of the Pending Bills Verification Committee is vacant.

“In that regard, and to facilitate the transition within the said bodies, in accordance with the powers bestowed on me as Governor of the County of Mombasa, I have today overseen the constitution of the requisite boards and committees in consultation with the line County Executive Committee Members,” Nassir said.

“The individuals appointed to the ranks of those county bodies serve a term of three years renewable once while that of the committee is tenured to one calendar year,” the governor said in a press statement on Friday.

He said the boards and committees are appointed in accordance with nominations from professional bodies, organizations, institutions and county government offices.

The Board of MOWASCO has been duly constituted with Selina Maitha as the chairperson.

Members are Fatma Nabhany, Suleiman Hamisi Mpole, Sheikh Taher Saifuddin Kassamali, Eng Peter Odhiambo Ouko, Prof Serah Kinyajui, Halima Abdi Hashi, Esha Mwijuma Mohamed, Jonathan Wepukhulu, Eng Albert Keno, and Swaleh Mwalizuma.

Nassir appointed Prof Marleen Temmerman as shairperson of the Coast General Teaching and Referral Hospital.

Members are Zainab Jaffer, Bishop Zachariah Mwagandi, Nabila K. Mazrui,  Jay Vinodkumar Patel,  Ummu Fakhy Kombo,  Swaleh Mwalizuma and Shem Patta.

The Pending Bills Verification Committee has been duly constituted and Khalid Omar named chairperson

Members are James Kenyinyo Okero, Margaret Odhiambo, Paul Mutua Munyao,  Jimmy Waliaula, Ayub Buhiri Ridhiwan, Eng. Omar Albeity Mohamed, Nicholas Mwachiro and Irene Musyoka.

"Any prior appointments to the aforementioned boards and/or committees are hereby revoked," Governor Nassir said.

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