CS Joho warns those illegally mining strategic minerals

He said unscrupulous individuals are mining Copper, Coltan and Chromite against the law.

In Summary
  • Joho said prospecting, mining, trading, dealing or processing any of 14 strategic minerals must be undertaken by or in partnership with National Mining Corporation. 
  • He said dealing in any strategic minerals contrary to the Mining Act and the Mining Regulations, 2017 is an offence punishable by law.
Mining and Blue Economy CS Hassan Joho speaks during a stakeholder engagement iat Kishushe in Taita Taveta county on August 16, 2024.
Mining and Blue Economy CS Hassan Joho speaks during a stakeholder engagement iat Kishushe in Taita Taveta county on August 16, 2024.

Mining, Blue Economy and Maritime Affairs CS Hassan Joho has sounded a warning to illegal miners saying they shall be dealt with according to the law.

Joho says it has come to the ministry’s attention that some individuals have been prospecting, mining and dealing in strategic minerals contrary to the Mining Act, 2016 and The Mining (Strategic Minerals) Regulations, 2017.

“The Cabinet on October 13, 2023 declared 14 minerals as strategic. This means that any activity touching on the specified minerals including prospecting, mining, trading, dealing or processing was to be undertaken by or in partnership with the National Mining Corporation (NAMICO),” Joho said.

The CS said the sum effect of this decision is that dealing in any strategic minerals contrary to the Mining Act and the Mining Regulations, 2017 is an offence punishable by law.

“It has come to our attention that unscrupulous individuals, in total disregard of the law, have been prospecting, mining and dealing in Strategic Minerals particularly Copper, Coltan and Chromite.”

Joho said the individuals are acting in total disregard of the law protecting the minerals.

“This is hereby to notify the general public that anyone found dealing in such minerals shall be dealt with according to the law. As a ministry, we are committed to execute the reforms in the mining sector to the fullest. This includes total protection of strategic minerals from merchants of impunity,” Joho said.

He said those prospecting, mining and trading in strategic minerals are attempting to plunder the country’s mineral resource by circumventing the law for selfish gains.

While speaking in Kisumu on August 22, Joho the government will not tolerate illegal mining and smuggling of minerals, warning that the state was ready to take all measures to safeguard country's mineral resources through a major crackdown.

He said the government was losing billions of shillings through illegal mining and as such, the government will station mining officers at all border points to prevent the illegal export of the resources.

“Smuggling of our minerals is an economic crime which will hurt the future generation. We will have mining officers within the border points to stop this illicit trade,” Joho said.

“We are here to clean-up the sector and create genuine investment opportunities,” he added.

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