Wandayi: Ruto’s 15bn tree initiative will boost energy production

The CS said Kenyans must take seriously the initiative to plant more trees.

In Summary
  • He underscored the importance of tree planting which he said was critical for maintaining steady water supply, which in turn helps in energy generation.
  • He said the energy sector depends on rain water in the hydro dams and geothermal fields for production of electricity.
Eenergy CS Opiyo Wandayi waters a tree he planted at Narasha Forest in Eldama Ravine, Baringo county.
Eenergy CS Opiyo Wandayi waters a tree he planted at Narasha Forest in Eldama Ravine, Baringo county.

Energy and Petroleum CS Opiyo Wandayi says President William Ruto’s plan for country to plant 15 billion trees by 2030 will help boost Kenya's energy production capacity.

Wandayi made his first tour of the Rift Valley region where he led a tree planting exercise at Narasha Forest in Eldama Ravine, Baringo county.

He underscored the importance of tree planting which he said was critical for maintaining steady water supply, which in turn is important for energy generation.

He said the energy sector depends on rain water in the hydro dams and geothermal fields for production of electricity.

“We can’t have water if we don’t have forests and that is why the President’s plan to increase our forest cover will ensure we have adequate rains and hence water or hydro energy production,” Wandayi said.

The CS said Kenyans must take seriously the initiative to plant more trees because the same will help to transform the livelihoods of many families and mitigate effects of climate change.

“There are so many benefits of planting trees because apart from the gains for the energy sector, we will have adequate water for consumption in our homes and with adequate water we will also further increase food production which is another key area of concern for President Ruto,” Wandayi said.

He said in Baringo county, there are several geothermal fields and  the government has planned to put up plants for generating electricity in the region.

The CS said the ministry and its attendant agencies has so far rehabilitated over 1,593 hectares of water catchments areas where they have planted over 3.6 million trees in various parts of the country.

“We are working closely as the ministry and agencies in the ministry to ensure that we fulfill our pledge to plant trees and meet the target allocated to us under the president’s plan”, said Wandayi.

Wandayi was accompanied with several government officers including Francis Kariuki from the Kenya Forest Service and Esther Wag'ombe, the director ofenergy conservation in the ministry.  

She said all the agencies in the ministry including Kenya Power Company, Kengen, Kenya Pipeline Company, Ketraco and others were actively involved in the efforts to boost forest cover.

“The agencies in the ministry have done a lot of work as concerns planting trees especially in areas like Baringo and Kericho among other counties,” Wang'ombe said.

CS Wandayi at the at the same time said the move by President Ruto to form a broad-based government had helped to create harmony and cohesion among Kenyans.

“We thank the President for coming up with the all-inclusive government and as leaders we must now stand with him and support the efforts to create a cohesive country or us and our future generations,” Wandayi said.

Baringo Deputy Governor, Felix Kipngok, who was also present, asked the CS to help increase electricity supply to residents of the region.

He said many parts of the county remained in darkness with major investments like milk processing plants operating without electricity.

CS Wandayi hailed the role played by community forest associations in conservation of forests and noted that the ministry would work with those living near forests to involve them in the planting of trees and protection of the water catchment areas.

“We should have mutual benefit so that our people help to conserve the forests and also benefit from the same plantations,” he said.

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