Governor Ndeti returns from UK trip, fires warning at detractors

“This is corruption fighting back due to what I have been able to do in Machakos."

In Summary
  • Ndeti said the claims were propagated by some corrupt individuals with the intent of soiling her name.
  • She termed it as ‘corruption fighting back’ asserting that propaganda and lies won’t make her relent.

Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti has blamed claims of her arrest in the United Kingdom on her political nemesis.

Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti addressing the press at the Jommo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi on September 16, 2024.
Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti addressing the press at the Jommo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi on September 16, 2024.

Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti has blamed claims of her arrest in the United Kingdom on her political nemesis.

Ndeti said the claims were propagated by some corrupt individuals with the intent of soiling her name despite effectively delivering development projects to Machakos residents.

She termed it as ‘corruption fighting back’ asserting that propaganda and lies won’t make her relent.

“I’m happy to be back home. As you are aware, I had gone to the UK for a meeting with other governors to make follow up on fire engine machines and garbage collection equipment,” Ndeti said.

Ndeti addressed the press shortly after she jetted back to the country at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Nairobi on Monday.

The governor said merchants of corruption would come up with all manner of stories to divert her attention, but propaganda and lies won’t make her relent.

She landed in the country in the company of her elder son Charles Oduwoale and was received by relatives, Machakos MCAs, county executive members and the public.

Ndeti said she managed to secure two fire engines for Machakos from the UK as donations.

She later extended her stay in the UK to ensure her younger daughter who was joining a university became settled.

“I had to spend some time settling my last-born daughter. She was going to the university. So, since she is a girl, I had to make sure that she settles well before I returned to Kenya,” Ndeti said.

Ndeti continued, “I know you have heard a lot of talk from my opponents, distractors. It’s with immense joy and gratitude that I stand before you affirming my commitment to serve the people of Machakos with the same dedication as I first took office. Today and every day, my focus is driving on our development agenda forward.”

The governor said her administration had achieved inevitable projects within the two years she has been in office.

She said those spreading propaganda about her were jealous of her achievements.

“This is corruption fighting back due to what I have been able to do in Machakos County. It won’t be business as usual," she said.

She said her administration consolidated 211 pay bill accounts into two enhancing transparency in revenue collection.

“This shift has left those who benefited from the previous opacity uncomfortable,” Ndeti said.

Ndeti said her administration had successfully ensured timely payment of its employees despite delays from the exchequer, demonstrating effective financial management and planning.

“The county has made significant strides in increasing its own source revenue, growing from Sh1 billion to Sh1.7 billion within two years. This increase in revenue underscores Machakos county’s commitment to its residents,” she said.

She said their ongoing automation of county revenue streams was expected to dramatically boost revenue collection.

This, she said, was unsettling for those who once profited from the system’s inefficiencies.

The governor said they had equally automated and reorganised hospital processes, exposing inefficiencies and removing beneficiaries of stagnation from the system.

She said by sanitising procurement processes and enforcing legal compliance, they had disrupted the cartels that once controlled county contracts isolating those with vested interests.

Ndeti noted that the implementation of recommendations from task forces she had appointed caused discomfort for those resistant to change, adding that she will move forward with reforms that will benefit everyone.

“Changes in the Ministry of Lands, including the reorganisation of land ownership and strict approvals have deprived cartels of their illicit gains,” she said.

“Our empowerment programmes have left my opponents unprepared. Let me assure you, it will only get better. The number of visible, tangible and impactful projects we have delivered is nothing short of remarkable,” Ndeti added.

She said the recent G7 Conference held in Machakos shone a spotlight on women’s empowerment, something she said didn’t sit well with those whose aim was to disempower women in leadership.

“We remain steadfast in our mission. The ongoing milk and school feeding programme have also rattled my detractors who seem more interested in exploiting a disempowered population than supporting progress,” she said.

The governor said she was aware the masters of networks of corruption weren’t happy with what she was doing to Machakos residents.

“I assure you I will tighten things further. We shall choke you out of the revenue streams. The schemes you had established are crumbling right before your eyes, we know you,” Ndeti said.

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