Help me raise Sh6.3m for my three surgeries, woman appeals

Doris Njoka, 39, was involved in a car crash near Kimbiti area along the Sagana-Nairobi highway that saw her life take an unfortunate turn.

In Summary
  • As if being left disabled after the crash was not enough, she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2011. Thyroid cancer is a growth of cells that starts in the thyroid.
  • In 2017, she felt weak and sought help from doctors who told her that she had osteoarthritis of the hip caused by the accident she was involved in.
Doris Njoka in an interview at Radio Africa Group.
Doris Njoka in an interview at Radio Africa Group.

In 2008, Doris Njoka, 39, was involved in a car crash near Kimbiti area along the Sagana-Nairobi highway that saw her life take an unfortunate turn.

She suffered a spinal injury that left her paralyzed from the chest downwards.

“We were on our way to Meru from Nairobi alongside my sister and her 10-month-old child when we were hit from the back by a truck,” she recalls.

Her sister was the one who was driving the car before the incident happened. She was only told that she was found underneath the car after the accident.

“I was admitted to the Kenyatta National Hospital for three months where I underwent surgery with a metal installed to help me function normally. My hand and ribs were broken,” she said.

She could not do anything on her own after she was discharged from the hospital. It took three years before she started walking using sticks.

Doris Njoka
Doris Njoka

As if being left disabled after the crash was not enough, she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2011. Thyroid cancer is a growth of cells that starts in the thyroid.

The thyroid produces hormones that regulate heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and weight.

Several types of thyroid cancer exist. Most types grow slowly, though some types can be very aggressive. Most thyroid cancers can be cured with treatment.

“Doctors operated on me to remove the thyroid and gave me radioactive iodine for treatment. I was isolated in a room for five days because of radiation,” she narrated.

The removal of the thyroid gland meant that she could not afford to stay without supplements to keep her going. She will take the medication for the rest of her life.

In 2017, she felt weak and sought help from doctors who told her that she had osteoarthritis of the hip caused by the accident she was involved in.

Osteoarthritis of the hip causes pain and stiffness. This has made it hard for her to do everyday activities like bending over to tie a shoe, rising from a chair, or taking a short walk.

“My hips are locked. The stiffness in the hip joint is making it difficult for me to walk or bend. I was told I need hip replacement yet I don’t have money,” she said.

Because osteoarthritis gradually worsens over time, experts say the sooner you start treatment, the more likely it is that you can lessen its impact on your life.

Although there is no cure for osteoarthritis, there are many treatment options to help you manage pain and stay active.

Doris needs at least Sh6.3 million to undergo all these procedures. She is appealing for your financial help to achieve this. The pay bill number is 8056249.

The account number is your name or send money to 0725910549.

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