Governor Barchok scheduled to appear before Senate committee

The appearance is with regard to the alleged dismissal of a county employee from service.

In Summary
  • Robert Chebusit, an early childhood development education teacher, is said to have had his contract abruptly terminated.
  • The statement was sought by Senator Hillary Sigei on the floor of the House on August 6 this year.
Bomet Governor Hillary Barchok
Bomet Governor Hillary Barchok
Image: FILE

Bomet Governor Hillary Barchok is scheduled to appear before the Senate Committee on Education on Thursday with regard to the alleged dismissal of a county employee from service.

Robert Chebusit, an early childhood development education teacher, is said to have had his contract abruptly terminated by the county public service board in May this year.

The statement was sought by Senator Hillary Sigei on the floor of the House on August 6 this year.

According to Sigei, the dismissal of the employee was done without prior notice or clear justification.

"This termination follows a series of actions taken by Mr. Chebusit to advocate for the rights and welfare of ECDE teachers in Bomet County, including filing a Petition before this Honorable Senate on September 20, 2023," the statement reads.

Chebusit doubled up as the secretary of the Bomet ECDE Teachers Association.

The petition, Sigei argued, highlighted various grievances faced by ECDE teachers.

This includes prolonged service without confirmation, non-payment and underpayment of salaries, and lack of professional development opportunities, he claimed.

Sigei wants the Committee chaired by Murang'a Senator Joseph Nyutu to provide a detailed according of circumstances that led to the dismissal.

He also wants it to provide the specific reasons cited and whether they were communicated to him in advance.

"It should examine whether due process was followed before the dismissal, stating the legal basis for his dismissal including the internal disciplinary procedures adhered to before his firing," he said.

The committee, he added, should investigate any connection between the dismissal and his role in filing the petition before the Senate and his advocacy for ECDE teachers' rights, and the steps taken by the county to address the grievances raised and whether these actions contributed to his sacking.

Additionally, the senator seeks to recommend actions to safeguard the rights of ECDE teachers and other workers in the county.

This is to ensure that individuals advocating for improved working conditions are not victimised or subjected to "retaliation or personal vendettas".

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