Crimes this week: Murder, fire incidents dominate headlines

On Monday night, a fire broke out in a Nairobi slum, killing three children

In Summary
  • Police launched investigations to trace and arrest a suspect in the murder of two men who were found dead in Mwiki, Kasarani.
  • Police said the news of their death came out after they had engaged in a fight over a lost mobile phone
Crime scene.
CRIME: Crime scene.
Image: The Star

Over the week, police have been busy investigating murder cases, and at the same time, fires continue razing schools even as the country struggles to heal from the Hillside Endarasha Academy fire, which claimed 21 lives.


Police launched investigations to trace and arrest a suspect in the murder of two men who were found dead in Mwiki, Kasarani.

The security officers said the news of their death came out after they had engaged in a fight over a lost mobile phone.

The bodies of Geoffrey Orina Omariba and Samson Manwa Ongera were found lying dead in their house, police said.

Police found two bodies in their mabati house long after they had died.

It was established that the two had a fight with a casual worker (chef) named "William" about a lost phone at around 1 pm on Monday.

They then went to sleep in their house with the injuries before the bodies were discovered five hours later.

Police said the bodies had multiple injuries all over.

The bodies were moved to the City Morgue pending autopsy and other investigations.

Police also investigated a murder incident where a woman was found dead after being stabbed by unknown persons in the Obama estate, in Nairobi.

Neighbours said they heard a commotion and screams at their rented house, and opening the house, they found the woman unconscious, having been stabbed by an unknown person inside her house.

They rushed her to Mama Lucy Hospital, where she was pronounced dead on arrival.

There was a disturbance in the house and blood stains were seen all over the house and an unused condom was recovered at the scene.

Also recovered was one blood-stained kitchen knife as the murder weapon.

The team also visited the hospital mortuary and found the body of the deceased with several stab wounds on the neck and around the chest area.

The hunt for the suspect is ongoing, police said of the Monday night incident.

Three children die in fire incident

Police launched a probe into the cause of a fire that broke out on Monday night in Lunga Lunga slums, Nairobi, killing three people.

The fire broke out at about 8 pm and flattened a house where the victims were, police and residents said.

The deceased, who were sleeping when the fire broke out, were burned beyond recognition. 

They were identified by their mother as a 16-year-old Form 2 student at a local school, an eight-year-old girl at Joyland Vision Academy who was in Grade 2, and their sister, aged four.

The fire was put out by county fire engines, and the bodies were discovered.

Property of unknown value razed in Kibra

On Tuesday night, another fire incident occurred in Kibra, Nairobi, at around 9:40 pm.

Police said they received a report of the fire from Kibra Pride within the Sarangombe area.

They rushed there and together with the public and fire engine, managed to put out the fire at around 10 pm.

The fire started in one of the stores, spread to other rooms, and consumed property of unknown value, police said.

The cause of the fire was not immediately established, and no life was lost. 

No fatalities in  Njoro Boys High School fire

Elsewhere on Sunday at 6:52 pm, a dormitory with a capacity of 142 students at Njoro Boys High School caught fire.

Police rushed to the scene and established that there were no students in the dormitory.

The fire was extinguished by the Biashara Master fire engine, and property of unknown value was destroyed, police said.

Two students got minor cut injuries and were treated and discharged at the school dispensary.

The county fire engine came later and was chased away by irate students.

Police are investigating the incident.

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