Let’s sit and reason together as leaders for peaceful nation – Ndeti

Ndeti says ongoing wrangles among leaders was bad show for children.

In Summary
  • Ndeti urged leaders holding various positions across the country to stop the wrangles and instead sit down so as to reason together for a peaceful country.
  • Ndeti was speaking after attending a mass service at Our Lady of Lourdes Machakos Cathedral Catholic Church in Machakos town on Sunday.
Governor Wavinya Ndeti with her son Charles Oduwoele present their gifts during a mass service at Our Lady of Lourdes Machakos Cathedral catholic church in Machakos town on September 22, 2024.
Governor Wavinya Ndeti with her son Charles Oduwoele present their gifts during a mass service at Our Lady of Lourdes Machakos Cathedral catholic church in Machakos town on September 22, 2024.

Machakos Governor Wavinya Ndeti has called for a political ceasefire in the country.

Ndeti urged leaders holding various positions across the country to stop the wrangles and instead sit down so as to reason together for a peaceful country.

“Leaders should work in peace. I’m calling for peace, leaders should sit down and solve their issues,” Ndeti said.

Ndeti was speaking after attending a mass service at Our Lady of Lourdes Machakos Cathedral Catholic Church in Machakos town on Sunday.

“Let’s put the country first, we pray that God helps us. This world doesn’t belong to anybody,” Ndeti said.

“All of us are leaders. Let’s sit and reason together so that we lead our country in peace. Leaders should respect one another.

She said the fights by leaders were setting a bad image, especially among the youth who are looking upon them.

"Monkey see, monkey do. Children see us fight and insult each other. If we do so, what will they do? I think as leaders, we should check on our deeds. Let’s live like leaders,” Ndeti said.

On imposing taxes on churches, Ndeti urged MPs to be cautious while debating the issue so as not to bring conflict between the church and government.

Ndeti said taxation of churches was like taxing the public twice or multiple times.

“My take is that we are the ones who build churches using our money. Churches help in spreading the word of God in Kenya and the world over. So, I urge MPs to be sensitive to check on church ministry and roles,” she said.

She said church property belongs to the public.

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