I'm also someone's child! Governor Mutai pleads with MCAs amid impeachment bid

Kericho governor says if MCAs see it fit to punish him, they should do so with compassion

In Summary
  • He said that he is a leader just like any other human being he is bound to make mistakes calling on them to give him a second chance.
  • Mutai said that if the MCAs see it fit to punish him, they should do it with compassion.
Kericho Governor Eric Mutai.
Kericho Governor Eric Mutai.

Kericho Governor Eric Mutai has begged MCAs to stop the impeachment motion against him.

On Tuesday, a notice of motion seeking to impeach Governor Mutai was formally tabled at the county assembly by Sigowet Ward MCA Kiprotich Rogony.

The MCAs are seeking to impeach the governor under four grounds, including alleged gross violations of the constitution and other laws and claims of gross violations of various national and county laws.

Others are alleged abuse of office and claims of gross misconduct.

However, on Thursday, Governor Mutai pleaded with MCAs to forgive him.

Governor Mutai said that he has helped the MCAs individually and collectively without favouring any of them.

"I plead with you to sympathise with me, I am also someone's child. I am a father of three young children. The eldest is in class seven, the second is in grade three, and my youngest is still breastfeeding. To you, the people of Kericho, no one doesn't wrong," he said.

"To the MCAs led by the majority leader here, I ask for your forgiveness, I might have made mistakes like any other human being, I might have wronged you, but we have worked together in good and bad times."

He added that he is a leader, just like any other human being; he is bound to make mistakes, calling on them to give him a second chance.

Mutai said that if the MCAs see it fit to punish him, they should do it with compassion.

"Please forgive me. As leaders, we carry a heavy burden and along the way, we may stumble. I may have made those stumbles, and for that, I ask for your forgiveness. If you must cane me, do so, using a light stick."

While moving the motion, Rogony said the acts and conduct of the governor had exposed the office of the governor, the assembly, and the people of Kericho to ridicule, embarrassment and disrepute.

He argued that his continued stay in office has and will continue to undermine the effective delivery of services to the detriment of the people of the county in whose trust he holds the office.

“The governor has variously committed constitutional wrongs that subvert the structure of government and undermine the integrity of the office and even the constitution itself,” he averred.

In his ruling, County Assembly Speaker Patrick Mutai set October 2, for the House to dispense the matter.

During this day, Mutai said, the governor will appear to defend himself from the accusations levelled against him.

Earlier on, police had a rough time containing a group of supporters who attempted to storm the assembly.

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