
Machakos doctors issue 14-day strike notice

The doctors in their letter indicated that they would paralyze healthcare provision if promises weren't met


News26 September 2024 - 05:21

In Summary

  • The county was also to redesignate consultants/specialist doctors who have completed masters degrees to their correct job groups
  • Timely payments of statutory and non-statutory deductions, which had not been paid since July 2024 was to be effected
Machakos Level 5 Hospital where KMPDU reportedly held a meeting with Machakos County Government officials on July 15, 2024.

Machakos doctors have issued a 14-day strike notice to the county government over unfulfilled promises.

The doctors notified the county of the strike through the Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists and Dentists Union, lower eastern branch.

They said their attempts to have the county honour its promises have not been successful.

Some of the unfulfilled promises include promotion of doctors by September 20, recruitment of 14 medical officers, six pharmacists and three dental officers by end of September.

The county was also to redesignate consultants/specialist doctors who have completed masters degrees to their correct job groups.

Timely payments of statutory and non-statutory deductions, which had not been paid since July 2024 was to be effected.

The letter says doctors were to be given comprehensive insurance covers, car loans and mortgages by October 2024.

"On the 15th July 2024, a meeting attended by representatives of KMPDU and the Machakos county government was held at Machakos Level 5 laboratory boardroom. Besides this meeting, many follow up engagements have happened between KMPDU officials and the respective offices including a meeting with the Deputy Governor on 1st August 2024,” the doctors say

“Failure to implement the demands by Tuesday 8th October 2024, members will have no other alternative but to invoke Article 41 (d) of the Constitution of Kenya guaranteeing every person fair labour practices including going on strike. Members will therefore be forced to exercise this constitutional right to strike and picket until above issues are resolved."

Medical Services chief officer and acting health executive Justus Kasivu acknowledged receipt of the letter.

He said he was not in a position to exhaustively comment on the matter.

“The letter was addressed to the county secretary and head of public service. I will not discuss it now until I get concurrence from the county secretary,” Kasivu told the Star.

The Kenya Union of Clinical Officers, Machakos branch also issued a similar strike notice to the county government on Tuesday.

“As you are aware, the union has been engaging your office for the longest about issues highlighted hereunder and that the employer (Machakos county government) has failed in its mandate to fulfil them as below,” reads a letter addressed to the County Secretary and Head of Public Service.

The letter was signed by KUCO, Machakos branch secretary Boniface Mutuku and Chairman Bonface Mitambo.

The issues highlighted on the letter included; promotions and redesignation, adoption of the new career guidelines and medical insurance cover.

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