
How 40 Mt Kenya MPs aided Gachagua downfall

Gachagua’s loose grip on his backyard appears to be his political Achilles heel.


News11 October 2024 - 07:15

In Summary

  • Gachagua’s impeachment hearing in the Senate begins on Wednesday, where his grip on his backyard will again come under close scrutiny.
  • He requires the support of at least 23 of the 67 Senators to survive the ouster bid.


At least 40 Mt Kenya MPs voted to impeach Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, it has emerged, as the DP enters what could be a point of no return in his political career.

Gachagua’s impeachment hearing in the Senate begins on Wednesday, where his grip on his backyard will again come under close scrutiny.

He requires the support of at least 23 of the 67 Senators to survive the ouster bid.

Gachagua’s loose grip on his backyard appears to be his political Achilles heel.

During retired President Uhuru Kenyatta’s tenure, any ouster plans against then Deputy President William Ruto were dropped because he had the strong support of Rift Valley leaders.

An analysis by the Star shows only 19 MPs from Mt Kenya voted to save Gachagua.

In fact, it is understood the hostility against the DP by his own people motivated MPs from other regions to back the motion.

“From our standpoint, this is their (Mt Kenya Kenya Kwanza MPs’) fight, largely. Their initiation and active participation opened a window for us to pursue the issues we have raised about Gachagua’s conduct in the office he holds,” a senior minority lawmaker said.

A sweeping majority of 282 MPs supported Kibwezi West MP Mwengi Mutuse’s ouster motion on Tuesday.

Some 18 lawmakers did not vote while four seats among them Ugunja, Banisa, Magarini, and ODM’s nominee slots are vacant.

MP Majimbo Kalasinga abstained.

Mt Kenya MPs who backed the ouster were drawn from across the former Central province as well as those from Mt Kenya East.

From Central Kenya, the charge was led by Majority Leader Kimani Ichung’wah, who described Gachagua as a man with “a black heart”.

Other MPs who voted against Gachagua were Githua Wamacukuru (Kabete), Jane Kagiri (Laikipia Woman Rep), Mwangi Kiunjuri (Laikipia East), Anne Muratha (Kiambu Woman Rep), Chege Kiragu (Limuru), Gichuki Mugo (Mathioya), Eric Wamumbi (Mathira), Betty Maina (Murang’a Woman Rep), Maingi Mary (Mwea), George Kariuki (Ndia), Kururia Njoroge (Gatundu North), Kagombe Gabriel (Gatundu South), Githinji Gichimu (Gichugu), Gitau Faith (Nyandarua Woman Rep), Mathenge Duncan (Nyeri Town), Muchira Mwangi (Ol Jororok), Micheal Wambugu (Othaya), and Simon Kingara (Ruiru).

From Mount Kenya East, MPs who want Gachagua removed from office include Buuri’s Rindikiri Mugambi, Moses Kirima (Central Imenti), Karitho Daniel (Igembe Central), Julius Taitumu (Igembe North), Paul Mwirigi (Igembe South) and Geoffrey Kiringa aka Ruku of Mbeere North. 

Mbeere South MP Bernard Muriuki also supported Gachagua’s impeachment, as did Meru Woman Representative Elizabeth Karambu, Tigania East’s Mpuru Aburi, his Tigania West counterpart John Mutunga and Tharaka’s Susan Ngugi.

The majority of lawmakers who voted in favour of the motion were among those who had declared they had severed ties with Gachagua in favour of Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki.

“The pattern, which followed after the declaration, showed they had agreed and were just on the floor to execute the agreement,” political analyst Alex Manyasi said.

He observed that the vote was a question of us versus them, in this case, the “us” being Gachagua who was viewed as making the region look bad.

“You could see this in some of the issues that informed the impeachment, among them tribalism,” Manyasi told the Star.

A number of those who were behind the Laikipia Declaration, however, grew cold feet after facing strong opposition in Mt Kenya.

Those who fell by the wayside included Nyeri Woman MP Rahab Mukami, her Embu counterpart Pamela Njoki aka Double N, and Tetu’s Geoffrey Wandeto.

Double N said her decision followed “careful reflection and serious consultations” with her constituents.

“Let it be clear that my priority is and will always be to work for the betterment of our community and this decision is grounded in the best interests of Embu and the country at large,” she said in a statement.

Apart from Double N, several MPs from Embu county voted in favour of the DP including Runyenjes’ Eric Karemba and John Mukunji of Manyatta.

Gachagua also got several votes from MPs from across the country including Bobasi’s Innocent Momanyi, Wilberforce Oundo (Funyula), Parashina Samuel (Kajiado South), and Timothy Kipchumba (Marakwet West).

The script further reveals that Wiper and DAP-K affiliated MPs voted in favour of Gachagua, most notably Peter Salaysa of Mumias East constituency.

Some Mt Kenya leaders who have not been previously associated with the DP, however, voted against his impeachment.

These include Martha Wangari (Gilgil), Gachobe Samuel (Subukia), Augustine Kamande (Roysambu) and Njoro’s Charity Kathambi.

For Mt Kenya MPs, the issues that informed the impeachment transcended the region’s boundaries, while others cited strained personal relationships.

“We voted because of the centrality of the issues. For instance, we have farmers burning their tea bushes because of problems occasioned by the very persons charged with the responsibility,” Gatundu South MP Gabriel Kagombe told the Star.

Nyando MP Jared Okello said the backing of the Mt Kenya lawmakers helped ease the motion in the House, adding that the ground was already set.

“They found a ground that was expectant. A number of members were already unsettled by the person of interest’s utterances,” the MP said.

For Nyandarua MP Faith Gitau, the candidate in the impeachment trial had himself to blame, citing the DP as a divisive character.

“The Deputy President during his tenure has been divisive and very egocentric. For him, it's about me, myself and I,” she said.

The MP also cited perceptions around how the DP handles women leaders as among reasons a vote was easily marshaled against him.

For some pundits, the vote was influenced by some of the charges brought against the DP, especially corruption allegations and insubordination.

Deputy Speaker Gladys Sholley cited the case where it is alleged the DP presided over an event where ‘Ruto must Go’ chants openly played out. She said this amounted to “encouraging the unlawful deposing of the President, thus committing treason contrary to Section 40 of the Penal code”.

Despite the setback, Gachagua enjoys the support of the likes of Githunguri MP Gathoni Wamuchomba, Juja’s George Koimburi, Kandara MP Njuguna Chege, Kangema’s Peter Kihungi, Munyoro Joseph of Kigumo, and Wanjiku Muhia of Kipipiri.

Kirinyaga Woman Representative Njeri Maina, Embakasi Central’s Benjamin Gathiru, James Gakuya of Embakasi North, and nominated MP Teresia Wanjiru supported Gachagua.

For Njeri Maina, her colleagues who supported the motion were tone deaf to the protests by Kenyans, especially Mt Kenya voters, against the move.

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