There was drama at the Kisauni police station when the new Coast Regional Police Commander Ali Nuno visited there posing as a victim of robbery with violence.
Nuno said he and a few senior officers, including the Regional head of DCI and Administration Police, on February 3 embarked on a night tour of parts of Kisauni and Nyali sub-counties to inspect policing at large.
The area has been experiencing a rise in violent crime and Nuno being the new commander was testing to see what the police do to respond to such incidents.
“Our police officers must be responsive and listening to every report made to them. It doesn’t matter how many cases are made because these help us plan in many ways,” he said later on.
Nuno and his team were shocked when police at the Kisauni report office first flatly refused to record his claims of robbery.
He said he disguised himself as a complainant using different.
To highlight his experience, he sent a message to sub-county commanders expressing his feelings.
He said he was shocked when police officers at Kisauni refused to take his statement and tried to turn him away.
“At Kisauni, I had difficulties in making the report as I was ignored, taken back and forth and turned down. The report officer was watching the news from his phone and did not want to be disturbed.”
“Later he informed us Kisauni was a no-go zone and blamed us for carrying the alleged laptops robbed and money,” he said in the message.
Nuno said the report was sluggishly recorded at the station and the victim (Nuno) was chased away and advised to come back the following day.
The recording officer did not know who Nuno was in the drama.
He added both the Officer Commanding the Station and the one in charge of the crime desk were present but did not assist in any way.
“When we insisted to be referred we could not get any help and the OCS equally expressed despair. We later introduced ourselves,” the message read.
It was then that the entire team at the station was shocked and later turned friendly pretending to help.
But it was too late. He gave them a dress down and walked out.
Nuno said he also visited Nyali police station and his experience was different.
At Nyali, he said, he met four police officers station guard, a cell sentry and a report office.
He said the OCS and orderly officer were both out of the station for work.
“I was received by the report office with courtesy in a humane and empathetic manner. My report was booked at 2216 hours. I found reliable and professional officers and I was really impressed,” he added.
He explained he took the move to experience the service delivery at the stations at large.
Nuno is the new Coast RPC and is trying to address several crimes being experienced there.
“Compare the two diverse station experiences both as service delivery points,” he said.
Since then, he has sent more undercover officers to various stations for inspection and feedback, which will be used in many ways.
The experience Nuno had is the same as most Kenyans go through on a daily basis.
Some are badly treated while others are handled well.
Inspector General of Police Douglas Kanja said he has rolled out several sessions aimed at transforming police attitude at work.