Ghosts exposed in Sh74m scholarship
Auditor finds no evidence 452 students who benefitted existed.
The scholarship will cover tuition and examination fees, material requirements for the course and monthly subsistence allowance for each beneficiary.
In Summary
Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) has announced a scholarship program for interested youth along the coastal corridor.
The program is attributed to funding through the partnership
of the Government of Kenya, the German Development Bank (KfW), European
Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Union- Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund
KeNHA Director General Kungu Dungu said the funds will be partially utilized for settling payment for Technical
and Vocational Education Training (TVET) of unemployed youth.
The other proceeds will go towards funding the Mombasa-
Mariakani (A109) Highway Lot 2: Kwa Jomvu- Mariakani road project.
The objective of the TVET scholarship is to support the capacity
development process and build economic capabilities during the project that
will assist the youth in enhancing their skills to secure gainful work thereafter.
The scholarship will cover tuition and examination fees,
material requirements for the course and monthly subsistence allowance for each
Courses will be offered within a six-month duration in Kenya Coast National Polytechnic, Mazeras Youth Polytechnic and Mariakani Vocational Training Centre.
They range from electrical installation, plumbing, masonry, carpentry, computer operator, motor vehicle mechanics and technology, general fitter, welding and fabrication, hairdressing, beauty therapy, dressmaking and tailoring and refrigeration and air conditioning.
For those interested in the program, they must be aged
between 28 to 35 years old, have a KCPE certificate with no formal training in diploma
and above and must be able to read and write.
They also need to be residents of the sub-counties of either
Jomvu, Kinango, Kaloleni and Rabai, which are along the road project.
Priority will be given to orphans and those from single-parent
families, young single mothers who meet the qualifications, applicants from
those categorized as living with disabilities and those from low-income
families or live in informal settlements.
Application forms can be downloaded from their online site www.kenha.co.ke
Hard copies can be obtained from the KenHA Coast Regional offices,
Public Works Building, second floor off Shimanzi Road or the applications can
be taken to Sub County offices from either Jomvu, Kinango, Kaloleni or Rabai.
Selection procedures and awarding of scholarships will be
undertaken with the support of the National Government and County Education
Officers in the respective counties through an eligibility criteria.
Applications must be submitted by Friday, March 28, 2025, at
5pm latest.
Auditor finds no evidence 452 students who benefitted existed.
It is a programme by the Kenya Pipeline Company Foundation.