IGAD inducts inaugural Council of Eminent Persons

The Council will work in partnership with all international, regional and national stakeholders.

In Summary

• The Eminent Council, composed of members nominated by all IGAD member countries will advise on key areas of concern under IGAD.

• The Council elected (Rtd) Major John Ayabei Seii (Kenya) as its Chairperson and athletics legend Shaleqa Haile Gebresellasie (Ethiopia) as vice chairperson.

IGAD holds an induction and orientation meeting for its inaugural Council of Eminent Persons in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on May 18, 2024.
IGAD holds an induction and orientation meeting for its inaugural Council of Eminent Persons in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on May 18, 2024.

The Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) held an induction and orientation meeting for its inaugural Council of Eminent Persons.

The two-day event was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and was presided over by Executive Secretary Dr Workneh Gebeyehu.

“Humbled to be in the presence of our wise council of elders and eminent personalities from across the region. Proud to reaffirm that IGAD is committed to the "African Solutions for African Problems" approach, and we intend to use this platform to share experiences, collaborate, and provide a voice for the voiceless, with the aim of creating a stable and prosperous region,” he said.

The Eminent Council, composed of members nominated by all IGAD member countries will advise on key areas of concern under IGAD.

They will also leverage their experiences and influence across sectors to provide the region with solutions to various challenges.

Member States include Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan and Sudan with apologies from Uganda and Eritrea.

The Council elected (Rtd) Major John Ayabei Seii (Kenya) as its Chairperson and athletics legend Shaleqa Haile Gebresellasie (Ethiopia) as vice chairperson.

The Eminent Persons will closely work with IGAD and national actors to find common and alternative African solutions to the complex problems and challenges facing the region.

The Council will work in partnership with all international, regional and national stakeholders and local actors, including Governmental, Non-governmental and private actors, to find much-needed solutions.

They will also use their various expertise and African values to find solutions to issues of peace, security, stability and socio-economic development together with IGAD and its member states.

The Council will function independently, impartially, and with high moral standards in discharging the responsibilities entrusted by IGAD, member states, and the People.

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