SADC Day: Russia, bloc building fairer future – Foreign ministry says

SADC Day is observed annually on August 17, the day of its establishment.

In Summary

• Strengthening ties between Russia and the SADC will contribute to creating a just world order and ensure sustainable development for African nations, Russia's foreign ministry said.

• Deputy Director of the Africa Department Andrey Stolyarov underscored Russia's unwavering dedication to the development of comprehensive cooperation with the regional bloc.

SADC holds 44th Summit of Heads of State and Government in Harare, Republic of Zimbabwe
SADC holds 44th Summit of Heads of State and Government in Harare, Republic of Zimbabwe
Image: Namibian Presidency

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) is one of Africa's largest and most influential subregional organizations, consisting of 16 member states.

SADC Day is observed annually on August 17, the day of its establishment.

It is aimed at promoting economic integration, political stability, and sustainable development in the region.

Strengthening ties between Russia and the SADC will contribute to creating a just world order and ensure sustainable development for African nations, Russia's foreign ministry said on Tuesday, during the annual celebration of SADC Day in Moscow, marking the 32nd anniversary of the agreement establishing the organization in 1992.

"We firmly believe that cooperation between Russia and SADC will expedite the establishment of a more democratic and fair world order, while ensuring sustainable development, progress, and prosperity for the people of Africa," Deputy Director of the Africa Department at the Russian Foreign Ministry Andrey Stolyarov said during an event commemorating SADC Day at Moscow's Library for Foreign Literature.

Stolyarov highlighted that SADC's significant achievements over the past three decades clearly demonstrate that its member countries made the right choice by strengthening political and economic integration.

"Under SADC's auspices, all necessary conditions for maintaining a favorable investment climate have been established, allowing for the successful implementation of various economic and social projects," he said, adding that "special attention is given to ensuring peace and security, joint efforts to resolve conflicts, and stabilizing the region."

The diplomat underscored Russia's unwavering dedication to the development of comprehensive cooperation with the regional bloc.

Stolyarov clarified that Moscow is currently in the process of developing an action plan together with SADC representatives within the framework of a memorandum of understanding between the Russian government and the organization.

On Tuesday, the courtyard of Moscow's Library for Foreign Literature saw guests greeted with traditional African songs and dances.

At the event, diplomats from the countries of the association organized stands with national cuisine, jewelry, and art objects.

The attendees could try on a wooden mask from Mozambique and taste fresh citrus fruits from South Africa.

The holiday ended with a concert of musical groups from Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and other countries.

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