How to properly dress for a wedding ceremony

The choice of colours and outfits might shift the attention from the bride to you

In Summary
  • Avoid wearing any white dress, all-white jeans and tops, or a white jumpsuit.
  • The only person who is meant to be in white on that day is the bride.

When invited to a wedding, you remain a guest no matter how close you are to the couple.

Some outfits need to be left behind when attending a wedding.

This is because the choice of colours and outfits might shift the attention from the bride to you, the guest. It's not bad to be the centre of attention but not on someone else's big day.


Avoid wearing any white dress, all-white jeans and tops, or a white jumpsuit.

The only person who is meant to be in white on that day is the bride.

No matter the shade of white you're wearing, maybe keep it for the evening bridal party.

The neon colour is pretty and very attractive when blended well.

But not for a wedding, the shouting colour will as well make you receive unnecessary attention.


The flash and class at a wedding should be left to the bride and groom.

Most couples choose champagne and gold as their theme colours for modern weddings.

So unless you are part of the bridal or groom team, then you can wear the two colours. They look too flashy to be wasted during the day when you are not the bride.

However, one can wear these colours for an evening date or function.


Denim jackets, shirts, skirts; on a wedding day, leave them at home.

Denim gives relaxed, don't-care vibes, which are not needed in a wedding.

Unless the couple decides to use denim as part of their dress code, avoid these outfits.

Instead of wearing denim, at least invest in a cute pair of Ankara or a classy dress.


Black is a sign of bad luck in most cultures, including the African culture.

You might wear a black outfit to a wedding innocently, but the crowd will perceive you differently.

For the sake of the couple's luck and sanity, just select a different colour to wear on the wedding day.

Red is seen as a sign of danger.

However, in Chinese and Hindu culture, they see the red colour as that which brings luck.

But it should not be worn by guests; they prefer it on the wedding couple

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