
Rift MP vocal on fake fertiliser shuts up after threat

He is now remorseful and has sent emissaries to apologise for his open criticism.


News24 May 2024 - 01:51

In Summary

  • A Mt Kenya cleric has found himself in a tight spot.
  • It appears all is not well within a crucial office in the house on the hill.
Who's doing what to whom, why, when, where and how

A Rift Valley MP who has previously been vocal about the fake fertiliser scandal has suddenly toned down his rhetoric. The lawmaker, who was among those who signed the petition for the removal of a CS, has even ceased making comments publicly on the issue. This abrupt change of heart has now left many puzzled with speculations rife that he was asked to go slow or he risked his political career. Rumours suggest that the first-term MP is now remorseful and has sent emissaries to apologise for his open criticism. We'll keep you updated.


A Mt Kenya cleric has found himself in a tight spot. Reason? The man is in hot soup over his alleged appetite for money and manipulation of his congregants. The pastor, who is earmarked for a bigger role, has been accused of taking the gospel too far. He allegedly orders his congregants - especially businesspeople – to parade their merchandise all over the church. A source has revealed that they are purportedly being forced to pay heavily to display the merchandise, with those who fail to do so running into trouble with him. Members say the pastor needs to change and preach the gospel, not manipulate members.


It appears all is not well within a crucial office in the house on the hill. Our insider whispers that two senior officers who have been vying for the attention of their boss are no longer seeing eye to eye. Their strained relationship became evident during the planning of a recent foreign trip. While both were initially slated to travel, one of them, who seems to have better connections, purportedly orchestrated a scheme that led to his rival being removed from the list and replaced with a junior officer. Feeling disgruntled, the excluded officer has decided to distance himself from office activities, even refraining from praising his superiors on social media as he used to.


A second-term governor from Mt Kenya region was over the weekend telling everyone that the fate of a senior politician in the county has been sealed. The county boss has reportedly fallen out with the politician. The vocal governor said that they would traverse the whole region to expose the man who has allegedly been hellbent on dividing the area. He said that the politician might be forced to publicly apologise to the governor and other politicians in the region if he wants to rescue his political career.

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