A former MP who has been waiting for a government job for the last two years has reportedly given up, bitterly disappointed. The man, who has been all over TV stations defending and popularising the Kenya Kwanza administration's policies, is said to have resolved that he might never get any state job after all. Quiet exchanges have it that he is not on the priority list of the appointing authority. The dejected man has now retreated to the village to tend to his farm and livestock. A mole whispered to Corridors of Power that the fellow has been using proxies to share photos of his "new life", perhaps so that anyone who cares can share with those concerned about him.
Is the boss of a security apparatus nursing active political ambitions and going flat out, albeit covertly, to pursue them? A fly on the wall says the man spends more time in the county he wants to be elected governor in than in the office doing the crucial job taxpayers pay him for. Staffers at the agency complain the man is so consumed by his ambitions he wants to talk about nothing else.
A certain city politician recently embarrassed himself at a public function. The fellow sparked talk in his town with a radical call he made recently. He has since been told by his colleagues the matter he was referring to is not the type that takes the route he vouched for. Those aware of the intrigues say the conversation is that the man should take time to acquaint himself with what goes around the core business for which he holds the seat.
A senior official of a crucial body is under sharp scrutiny by players in a political process. Those after the man believe he has deliberately refused to act on a matter they say is key to their existence. A small bird overheard the lot arguing about what could be wrong with the actor. Among their concerns, as per the loud whispers, was whether the fellow is under instructions or is simply buying time as is usual with state agencies' bureaucracies.