
The 2022 School Calendar

By January 2023, the school calendar would have gone back to normal.

Infographics29 June 2022 - 00:59

In Summary

•By January 2023, the school calendar would have gone back to normal.

•Those in Class 8 and Form 4 will sit their national examinations between November and December 2022.

The 2022 School Claender

This year will see the country have two separate  KCPE examinations and two separate  KCSE examinations.

This will see the time lost when schools were shut due to Covid-19  fully recovered.

By January 2023, the school calendar would have gone back to normal.

Those in Class 8 and Form 4 will sit their national examinations between November and December 2022.

KCPE will run between November 28 and December 1, while KCSE will be done from December 1 to December 23

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