Governor Barasa backs Raila's AU Commission chairperson bid

Barasa further supported Oparanya to take over Raila’s position as the party leader.

In Summary
  • Barasa noted that the prestigious position would accord Odinga an oppressive to serve Africans in an international capacity.
  • Barasa was speaking when he launched 70km of roads in Malava constituency where every ward gets 10km.
Kakamega governor Fernandes Barasa duringblaunch of the Ten kilometer ward road programme in Malava on Monday/AHE/HILTON OTENY
Kakamega governor Fernandes Barasa duringblaunch of the Ten kilometer ward road programme in Malava on Monday/AHE/HILTON OTENY

Kakamega Governor Fernandes Barasa has thrown his weight behind ODM party leader Raila Odinga’s bid to be the African Union Commission Chairperson.

Barasa noted that the prestigious position would accord Raila the opportunity to serve Africans in an international capacity.

“As ODM chairperson in Kakamega, I support my party leader to be the AU Commission chairperson come 2025. It is a very senior position and together with Kakamega people we are fully behind you,” Barasa said.

Barasa was speaking when he launched 70km of roads in Malava constituency where every ward gets 10km.

He joins other leaders including Siaya Governor James Orengo, and Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga among others who acknowledged that the position will not reduce Odinga’s political stature.

Barasa further supported ODM Deputy Party Leader Wycliffe Oparanya to take over Raila’s position as the party leader.

“Oparanya has been steadfast in very many ways that have ensured the party remains vibrant and as Kakamega people we would like the party to acknowledge his efforts and make him party leader,” he said.

If endorsed for the seat,  Raila will technically be edged out of Kenya's political landscape and the next General Election since he will be required to serve in the position until 2028.

He will also only retain his right to vote in Kenya as a citizen but his hands will be tied and he will not take part in active politics.

If he secures the AU Commission's top seat, Raila will be tasked with enforcing the regional bloc's financial regulations and chairing all commission meetings and deliberations.

He is also set to popularize the AU's objectives, submit reports to the assembly, executive council and permanent member states as well as act as a depository for all AU treaties and legal instruments.

Current African Union Commission boss Moussa Faki’s term ends this year and elections for his successor are expected to take place early next year.

Top government officials, led by President Ruto, have been quietly lobbying regional leaders to back Kenya’s bid for the AU top job.

The Commission is the AU’s Secretariat involved in the day-to-day running of the continental body and the chairman is the most powerful bureaucracy.

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