UK minister vows justice for Wanjiru's murder

Agnes Wanjiru, 21, was allegedly murdered and put into the septic tank by British soldiers

In Summary
  • By the time her body was found, all the British Army Training Unit Kenya soldiers who had been at the hotel had returned to the UK.
  • In November 2021, MPs during a session alleged a high-profile cover-up in the case. 
UK minister for Armed Forces James Heappey with Majority Leader Kiamani Ichung'wah on Wednesday, November 23.
NOTHING TO HIDE: UK minister for Armed Forces James Heappey with Majority Leader Kiamani Ichung'wah on Wednesday, November 23.

The UK minister for Armed Forces James Heappey has vowed justice for Agnes Wanjiru, who was allegedly killed by a British soldier in 2012. 

“I am not satisfied with the progress that is being made. We have nothing to hide. If the evidence show that the individual was culpable then he is yours to extradite," he said. 


Heappey spoke during a meeting with Majority Leader of the National Assembly Kimani Ichung'wah on Wednesday.  

Besides the justice promise, Ichung'wah said the two discussed defence forces cooperation between the nations. 

"We discussed areas of defence forces cooperation between our two nations. He also vowed justice for Agnes Wanjiru, family who was allegedly killed by British soldier(s) in 2012," Ichung'wah said.


Agnes Wanjiru 21, was allegedly murdered and put into the septic tank on March 31, 2012 while her family searched for her.

By the time her body was found, all the British Army Training Unit Kenya soldiers who had been at the hotel had returned to the UK.

In the investigations done by The Sunday Times, soldiers who took part in the drunken night with local prostitutes said they were shown Wanjiru’s’ body that evening.

Her fingers and toes were missing due to advanced decomposition. She had a two centimetre stab wound to her lower right abdomen and a blunt force injury to her chest. Her lungs had collapsed.

A soldier identified as Soldier Y, said: "He took me to the tank and lifted it up, and I looked in and I just remember seeing her in there. My heart sank. My mind just went blank. The only thing I could say to him was 'I'll never forgive you for this.''

In November 2021, MPs during a session alleged a high-profile cover-up in the case. 

The lawmakers also threatened to shoot down the military cooperation agreement between Kenya and UK until British soldiers involved in the gruesome murder of Wanjiru are brought into the country to face the law.

The leaders spoke when they met the then Defence CS Eugene Wamalwa who was appraising the committee on the steps the government has taken to bring to book British soldiers involved in the murder of Wanjiru.

Wamalwa told the committee that he obtained the commitment of the British government to do a joint investigation and bring the culprit to the country to face justice.

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