Karen Nyamu ends affair with Samidoh after Dubai drama

They allegedly have two children together.

In Summary
  • "Great and powerful women will attest that many times our weakest link is the men we get involved with. I am stopping the pattern," she said.  
  • "I know I should have called him and ended it quietly, but I decided to make this as public as the drama and the controversy has been," she said. 
Karen Nyamu and Samidoh
Karen Nyamu and Samidoh
Image: FILE

Nominated Senator Karen Nyamu has ended her affair with Mugithi artiste Samidoh if her social media posts are anything to go by. 

In a series of posts on her insta-stories, Nyamu said she made the decision to end her involvement with her baby daddy and now ex.


"Great and powerful women will attest that many times our weakest link is the men we get involved with. I am stopping the pattern," she said.  

"I have made the conscious decision to end for good my involvement with the father of my babies and now ex." 

Nyamu further wrote that she had no regrets from what happened in Dubai, promising that the incident was the last. 

"I don't wish I did things any differently," Nyamu said.

"I know I should have called him and ended it quietly, but I decided to make this as public as the drama and the controversy has been," she said. 

Her posts come hours after drama was witnessed on Friday night between Samidoh's (born Samuel Muchoki) wife Edday Nderitu and her in Dubai.

It started when Nyamu went straight to where Samidoh was seated and forcefully sat on his lap.

Edday, stood and grabbed her husband's hand even as the security guards tried to separate the two women.

A video circulating online shows Nyamu and Samidoh in a confrontation. And minutes later, Nyamu is said to have lost her cool and almost slapped her baby daddy but his bouncers intervened.

Edday stood up and tried to grab Nyamu away from her husband before Nyamu was taken away by the guards.

They allegedly have two children together. 

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