Few Kenyans believe Raila rallies can remove Ruto from office

A majority of Azimio supporters do not believe the rallies could lead to the removal of Ruto from office.

In Summary

• Only 9 per cent of the Kenya Kwanza supporters were of the opinion that it is possible to remove the ruling regime from office. 

• For those in support of the Azimio Coalition, 29 per cent believe the rallies could lead to the removal of President William Ruto from office. 


Scenes at Kamukunji Grounds where Azimio leader Raila Odinga is set to hold a rally on January 23, 2023.
Scenes at Kamukunji Grounds where Azimio leader Raila Odinga is set to hold a rally on January 23, 2023.

A report by TIFA on post-election issues shows that very few Kenyans believe that the ongoing anti-government rallies will succeed in removing the current regime from office. 

The report released on Friday was conducted between March 11- 19 this year. 

"Hardly any Kenyans (16 percent) believe such demonstrations can achieve their ultimate goal of removing the Ruto government, though three times as many Azimio supporters hold this view as do those of Kenya Kwanza (29 percent vs. 9 percent)," the report read. 

The research was conducted from a sample size of 2,065 respondents.

Of the total correspondents, only 16 percent were of the opinion that it is possible to remove the sitting regime from power. 

The majority, standing at 72 percent were of the contrary opinion saying it was not possible for the Ruto government to be removed from power. 

11 were not sure, while one percent had no opinion on the matter.

In terms of their political alignment, majority of those in support of the Kenya Kwana coalition said it is not possible to remove the current regime from power at 84 percent. 

Only 9 percent of the Kenya Kwanza supporters were of the opinion that it is possible to remove the ruling regime from office. 

For those in support of the Azimio Coalition, 29 percent believe the rallies could lead to the removal of President William Ruto from office. 

A majority of Azimio supporters, standing at  57 percent do not believe the rallies could lead to the removal of Ruto from office. 

The findings of the report, however,  have a margin error of +-12 percent. 

The respondents were engaged in face-to-face interviews at the household level from across the nine zones of Central Rift, Coast, Lower Eastern, Mt. Kenya, Nairobi, Northern, Nyanza, South Rift and Western.

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