Locals living along River Tana advised to move to safer grounds

Water levels at the river were reported to be fluctuating between 3.9 and 4.1 metres

In Summary

•The rains which have been pounding the country since March have left  most of the Arid counties experiencing flush floods

•Flash floods were reported in Marsabit, Mandera, Garissa, Isiolo, Samburu, Narok, Taita Taveta and Wajir Counties

Floods displaces 700 people In Chepalungu, Bomet county
Floods displaces 700 people In Chepalungu, Bomet county
Image: KNA

The National Drought Management Authority has called on communities living along the River Tana belt to move to safer grounds.

The NDMA in their latest report said water levels at the river were reported to be fluctuating between 3.9 and 4.1 metres depicting a high probability of flooding risks as the rains continue.

The county has so far reported flash floods in Maramtu farms in Madogo.

Overall, the authority noted that the rains which have been pounding the country since March have left most of the Arid counties experiencing flush floods which have had negative impacts on the local livelihoods and critical facilities like roads.

“Flash floods were reported in Marsabit, Mandera, Garissa, Isiolo, Samburu, Narok, Taita Taveta and Wajir Counties,” the report says.

According to data from NDMA, flooding in Marsabit affected 1,200 households and 2,000 livestock deaths in North Horr while 1,500 households and 800 livestock deaths were affected in Moyale sub-county (Golbo ward).

Additional 200 and 150 households have been affected in Laisamis and Saku sub-counties respectively.

“Taita Taveta reported flash floods in Mwatate sub-county while heavy rains in Turkana rendered roads in Kibish impassable during the month,” NDMA says.

The report notes that heavy rains in Narok have caused the swelling of river Suswa which disrupted transport along the Narok-Nairobi highway and river Narok that busted and caused flooding in Narok town.

Mugor River on the other hand busted its banks and destroyed a bridge in addition to causing the displacement of approximately 200 households.

According to the report, floods in Garissa have led to the displacement of 80 households in Jilango and 28 households in barfing and cut off the road from Jilango to Modogashe during the month.

“In Isiolo, floods occurred in Kinna North and Kinna South locations which caused the submerge of villages and reported death of livestock deaths and displacement of 700 households during the month,” the report notes.

In Mandera, floods were reported around River Daua, Rhamu, Elwak, Finjaru and Rhamu Dimtu and led to the displacements of 150 households during the week.

Samburu has reported floods in Samburu East in the Naishamunya sub-location where 800 households were displaced and 625 small stock and household goods were swept away.

Heavy rains in Wajir North and the Ethiopian highlands resulted in flash floods in parts of Wajir North and Eldas sub-counties.

As a result, loss of lives, livestock and property have been reported, and people displaced while some schools have closed due to the damage to infrastructure.

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