Lazima wafungue server - Raila says, announces return of demos

"Ramadhan ikiisha namna hii, tunarudi kwa barabara," he said.

In Summary
  • "Tusiposike vizuri kuto kwa bwana Ruto, Ramadhan ikiisha namna hii, tunarudi kwa barabara," he said. 
Opposition leader Raila odinga at Kamkunji grounds on April 16,2023
Opposition leader Raila odinga at Kamkunji grounds on April 16,2023

ODM Leader Raila Odinga has threatened to mobilise his supporters back to the streets after Ramadhan if their demands will not be met by then. 

Raila, while addressing his supporters at Kamukunji grounds, said that if the Azimio La Umoja team will not hear from President William Ruto on the way forward of their demand, Mandaamano will resume. 

"Tusiposike vizuri kuto kwa bwana Ruto, Ramadhan ikiisha namna hii, tunarudi kwa barabara," he said. 

Raila has said that he is lobbying for the government to lower the price of Unga to Sh100, adding that the government should give a way forward on the rising cost of living. 

The opposition chief also insisted that the IEBC server should be opened so that it is scrutinised and the correct results of the August 9, 2022 polls made public. 

"Lazima wafungue server."

He also wants the cost of fuel, and electricity to go down, adding that he is not interested in the handshake. 

The Azimio team had taken a break from the protests after Ruto had urged them to end them. 

The Head of State instead suggested a bipartisan approach on the matter raised by Raila, through parliament would however be sufficient to address the areas of concern.

In his address, however, Raila said the parliamentary system would not be enough to address all areas of concern.

"Our suggestion is to have a conversation at the national level through a process akin to the 2008 National Accord. To this end, the coalition proposes a team drawn from its ranks both in Parliament and outside Bunge," he said.

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