Dandora dumpsite to be converted to energy city - Ruto

He said the dumpsite will generate megawatts and create employment for city dwellers.

In Summary
  • The President said Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja will be the core driver of the project to ensure the city changes and regains its glory. 
  • Ruto also promised to create employment under the housing projects, and the team will recruit youths from Nairobi. 
President William Ruto
President William Ruto
Image: PCS

President William Ruto has announced that the famous Dandora dumpsite will soon be converted into an energy city. 

Speaking while addressing Donholm residents, the head of state said the dumpsite will generate megawatts and create employment for the city dwellers. 


"Tutafanya Dandora iwe city, mahali ambapo tutazalisha umeme, itakua waste to energy city," he said 

(We will transform Dandora into a city, a place where we can generate energy. It will be a waste-to-energy city).

The President said Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja will be the core driver of the project to ensure the city changes and regains its glory. 

"Lazima turudishe Nairobi kwa heshima ambayo ilikua nayo, lazima tusafishe Nairobi, iwe mji safi na iwe green, tumekubaliana ya na yeye (Sakaja) ataajiri vijana 3,000 amabo watasaidia kusafisha mji wetu," he said. 

(We must return Nairobi to its glory, to the respect that it's famous for, we must clean Nairobi, so that it becomes a clean city, again. We have agreed with Sakaja that he will employ 3,000 more youths who will help in cleaning and greening the city) 

Ruto also promised to create employment under the housing projects, and the team will recruit youths from Nairobi. 

"We will need over 100,000 youth to help under the housing projects, we need technicians, plumbers, masons and more and they will come from Nairobi," he said 

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