Police probe death of 44–year–old man in Machakos

The incident was reported to Muthesya police post at 7.00 am on Monday.

In Summary

•He said both the deceased’s hands were chopped off and there were deep cuts on his head and neck.

•He said it was suspected that Minza’s killers ended his life at around 3.30 am.

Crime Scene
Crime Scene
Image: The Star

Police have launched a probe after they found the body of a 44 – year – old man in Masinga, Machakos County.

Zakayo Muinde Minza’s body was found lying outside his house in Kathukini sublocation, Masinga sub county early Monday.

Machakos County police boss Joseph Ole Napeiyan said the incident was reported to Muthesya police post at 7.00 am on Monday.

“It was reported by Kathukini assistant chief Susan Nyamai that there was a murder incident in Kathukini. Police visited the scene and established that a body of a male Kamba adult namely Zakayo Muinde Minza was lying outside his house,” Napeiyan told the Star on phone.


He said both the deceased’s hands were chopped off and there were deep cuts on his head and neck.

He said it was suspected that Minza’s killers ended his life at around 3.30 am.

“It’s said the suspects tried to put the deceased’s house on fire,” Napeiyan said.

The police boss said the deceased was a bachelor who lived in the same compound as his parents.

The body was moved to Mbaku mortuary in Matuu pending postmortem.

Police said the motive of the murder is yet to be established and have launched investigations into the matter.

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