Third anti-terror court to be established in Lamu – CJ Koome

The court will help in the fight against terrorism and radicalisation

In Summary
  • CJ Koome said Lamu has had quite an unfortunate history with terror attacks orchestrated by Al Shabaab militants.
  • She said the move will serve to enhance the judiciary’s capacity to combat terrorism and protect lives.
Chief Justice Martha Koome plants at tree during the event.
Chief Justice Martha Koome plants at tree during the event.

An anti-terror court will be established in Lamu to aid in the fight against terrorism and radicalisation, Chief Justice Martha Koome has said.

This will be the third after the ones in Shanzu, Mombasa and Kahawa in Nairobi.

The chief justice spoke when she handed over two title deeds for land intended for the establishment of a High court and court staff quarters in Mokowe, Lamu West.

Koome said Lamu has had quite an unfortunate history with terror attacks orchestrated by Al Shabaab militants and that such a court will help fight threats to security, especially radicalization.

She said the move will serve to enhance the judiciary’s capacity to combat terrorism and protect lives.

“We want to establish an anti-terror court here like the one in Shanzu and Kahawa. This will go a long way in combating terrorism and radicalization,” Koome said.

She said construction of the Lamu High Court commences immediately and lauded Lamu governor Issa Timamy for helping the judiciary acquire the land terming it a collective pursuit of justice for all Kenyans.

“I am grateful to Lamu governor. He is a people person and one who loves his people. He has proved to be a defender of the weak and vulnerable and a human rights defender. It’s because of him that Lamu shall be having its High court,” Koome said.

Chief Justice Martha Koome receives the title deeds of the Lamu High court from Lamu Governor Issa Timamy and Lamu Lands executive Tashrifa Bakari.
Chief Justice Martha Koome receives the title deeds of the Lamu High court from Lamu Governor Issa Timamy and Lamu Lands executive Tashrifa Bakari.

Currently, Lamu residents seeking the services of the high court have to travel to Garsen or Malindi high courts for attention,

She said the judiciary is committed to ensuring no Kenyans travels over 100 kilometres to access court services.

“Just like health, education and others, judicial services are a legal provision for all Kenyans that must be accessed whenever one needs them,” she said.

The CJ said the plan is to have a High court in all 47 counties and a magistrate’s court in every single subcounty.

Lamu is among seven counties without a High court in the country.

She said the architectural designs of the Lamu court will borrow heavily from the culture and heritage of the region.

“We already have the architectural designs for the court and construction starts immediately,” she said.

She revealed that the Lamu High court will also feature an Environment and Land Court to help address the increasing number of land cases in the county.

It will also feature specialized courts for children and Sexual and Gender-Based Violence victims.

Koome reiterated that with the Lamu port-LAPSSET in place, the judiciary will equally have in place a small claims court to address any arising commercial disputes.

“Because of the port and other upcoming mega projects, there is a need for such a court targeting, especially low-income earners. We shall ensure such disputes are resolved in 60 days,” Koome said.

The CJ also directed that a gazette notice be issued to operationalize the Lamu High Court.

Lamu Governor Issa Timamy recognized the crucial role that the judiciary plays in upholding justice, safeguarding the rights of the people, and ensuring that the law is administered fairly and impartially.

“Our allocation of this land to the judiciary is a reaffirmation of our belief in the importance of an independent judiciary that can carry out its duties without any undue influence or interference,” Timamy said.

Chief Justice Martha Koome poses for a photo with Lamu Governor Issa Timamy and other officials when she toured the Lamu Port.
Chief Justice Martha Koome poses for a photo with Lamu Governor Issa Timamy and other officials when she toured the Lamu Port.
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