Raila asks ODM rebels to resign, seek fresh mandate

This is as Jalang'o told the ODM leader to accept defeat

In Summary
  • On Thursday, Raila said the bipartisan committee would push for the de-whipping of the MPs.
  • Raila spoke on the same day Jalang'o told him to accept defeat and move on.
Raila Odinga addressing flood victims at Migingo evacuation center in Nyando on May 11, 2023.
Raila Odinga addressing flood victims at Migingo evacuation center in Nyando on May 11, 2023.
Image: FILE

ODM Leader Raila Odinga has insisted that party MPs who have betrayed him by working with President William Ruto must resign and face fresh elections.

One of the key issues that Raila wants ratified by the bipartisan talks panel is to force MPs to seek fresh mandate when they shift loyalty from parties that sponsored them to Parliament.


On Thursday, Raila said dissidents must face voters at the ballot in accordance with the basic principles of multi-party democracy and the political parties' law.

"Those MPS voted for by ODM and jumped ship to Kenya Kwanza must go home. They must come back here and seek election again. The likes of Kisumu Senator Tom Ojienda, Gem MP Elisha Odhiambo and others must go back home.

"If you were elected, you must come back to your side. The law says that the people can have the power, and we will go back to them," Raila said in Nyando, Kisumu.

Odhiambo (Gem), Omondi (Suba South) and Ojienda(Kisumu Senator), Paul Abuor (Rongo), Gideon Ochando (Bondo), Mark Nyamita (Uriri) are all working with Ruto.

This is despite having been elected on the ODM party ticket.

On Thursday, Raila said the bipartisan committee would push for the de-whipping of the MPs.

"Our team led by Rarieda MP Otiende Amollo met with the Kenya Kwanza team and we have agreed that they talk about all these issues in the next 30 days," he added.

Raila spoke on the same day Jalang'o told him to accept defeat and move on.

Jalang'o who accompanied Ruto during the launch of a housing project in Nairobi's South C area, said elections are over.

"I competed against Nixon Korir in Langa'ta and he accepted that I defeated him, those who were defeated should also accept defeat and move on," he said. 

"Sasa tuko ndani ya kazi."

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