Mama Rachel urges students to avoid drugs and alcoholism

She said that the destiny of the nation relies on a responsible generation of youth.

In Summary

•The first lady also urged Kenyans to support religious bodies involved in imparting good morals among learners.

•She said it was the responsibility of every Kenyan to support initiatives aimed at instilling good morals in schools and among the youth.

First Lady Mama Rachel Ruto
First Lady Mama Rachel Ruto

First Lady Rachel Ruto on Sunday urged students to resist the temptation of drug abuse and alcoholism.

She noted that the destiny of the nation relies on a responsible generation of youth.

The first lady was speaking during the Nairobi County Students prayer rally at Moi Girls High School, Nairobi.

She told the students that their success depended on their company and the activities that they engaged in.

"Stay away from bad company, drugs and alcohol if you want to succeed," she said.

The first lady also urged Kenyans to support religious bodies involved in imparting good morals among learners.

She said it was the responsibility of every Kenyan to support initiatives aimed at instilling good morals in schools and among the youth.

"We will have a conversation on how to support the Kenya Students Christian Fellowship because of the great work that they are doing," Mama Rachel said.

National Chairman of Kenya Students Christian Fellowship, Jacob Mwangi called for a joint effort among religious bodies in tackling the social issues that are affecting schools.

Mweangi called on the Government to work closely with religious bodies in curbing rising cases of drug and alcohol abuse in schools.

He added that they have conducted activities to help with influencing the youth positively.

"We are running effective Bible studies on how to impact positive behaviour and moral values on our children," he said.

Also attending the event were Principals and Students from other schools across Nairobi, Kajiado, Makueni and Kiambu.

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