I want justice, says man after losing Sh769, 000 at city bar

Alleges that two women stupefied him before stealing his money

In Summary

• The two women were today charged at a Kibera court for theft and handling suspected stolen items contrary to the Penal Code.

•The accused persons denied the charges and pleaded for lenient bond terms.

Jelinda Nyambura and Mary Wambui at the Kibera Law Court on Tuesday
Jelinda Nyambura and Mary Wambui at the Kibera Law Court on Tuesday

A businessman has moved to court to seek justice after two women allegedly stole his money, wallet, mobile phone, Visa card among other items in a suspected stupefying incident that occurred at 2 am on the night of June 9.

Erick Macharia is a complaint in the case.

The two women were today charged at a Kibera court for theft and handling suspected stolen items contrary to the Penal Code.

According to the charge sheet, Jelinda Nyambura one of the accused persons allegedly stole Macharia’s  Sh769,000,  one mobile phone valued at Sh20, 000, seven Visa cards, a National ID, a wallet valued at Sh1,000 and a wristwatch valued at Sh5,000

She is said to have committed the offence on June 9, 2023 at Pelican Bar and Restaurant at Kamulu shopping Centre in Ruai subcounty within Nairobi county.

She is also accused that, after allegedly stealing from Macharia she dishonestly retained Sh270, 000, one mobile phone, seven Visa cards, National ID, and a wallet.

Mary Wambui, the second accused person in the case was charged with the offence of handling goods suspected to have been stolen contrary to the Penal Code.

The accused persons denied the charges and pleaded for lenient bond terms.

Prosecutor Jeff Musyoka did not object to their release on bond as they were both released on a Sh500,000 bond with the surety of the same amount.

The case proceeds now proceeds for a pre-trial.

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