Comedian Eddie Butita on Wednesday said that the flashy lifestyles content creators display on social media is mostly showbiz.
Speaking in an interview on Citizen TV Butita said flashy lifestyles is part of their work
Responding to a statement that some content creators are flossing on social media and living large, Butita said that it's part of content creation.
"That's creating content and that is showbiz," he said.
He said that some content creators hire those big flashy cars just to shoot content.
"I'll go to a friend who owns a certain car that I'd want to use for my content and hire it. I'll then shoot my video and it will trend but that's not my car," Butita said.
"Though there are some who own these cars, it's a show and part of our work. It's part of the setting and that's how we make our money."
Lang'ata Member of Parliament Phelix Odiwour alias Jalang'o earlier on said that content creators were to blame for the proposed 15 per cent tax, in the Finance Bill, 2023.
Jalang'o said content creators do not have a reason not to get taxed because they are constantly flaunting their wealth on social media, saying most of them claim to be millionaires.
Speaking on his YouTube channel last Friday, Jalang'o insisted that it is the content creators who attracted the 15 per cent tax proposal.
However, the proposed tax on content creators has been reviewed to 5 per cent in the new Finance Bill document tabled in Parliament on Tuesday after public input.
He said that it has been hard for him as a content creator himself, to face the panel and tell them that content creators are not able to pay taxes.
"How do I convince the government or the people who do not understand content creation, that content creators don't have money and you are not able to pay the 15 per cent tax when what you show out there is that you are millionaires?" he said then.